Site Info
Members: 21423
Series: 3
Stories: 4042
Chapters: 9199
Word count: 3067730
Authors: 522
Reviews: 2742
Reviewers: 453
Newest Member: neney
Gen [1146]
Slash [1846]
Het [1078]
Mixed Up [54]
Welcome to the new NCISFiction Archive! You will need to request a new password in order to be able to log in. If you have questions, contact the webmaster.
Most Recent
Summary: After the crushing loss of Ziva, and the surprise of finding out about Tali...
Rated: PG
Categories: DiNozzo/Ziva, Het
Characters: Anthony DiNozzo, Ziva David
Genre: Angst, Challenge
Pairing: DiNozzo/Ziva
Warnings: None
Series: Forgive My Sins
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 268 Read Count: 3242 Published: 12/12/2019 Updated: 12/12/2019
Site News


The database is in READ ONLY mode. You can read but not update, add, delete, or comment on stories here in the archive.

Long Stories - Update
As of this afternoon, 5/28/16, all long stories that were missing part of their text after the conversion from the old site to the new, have been updated. Everything should not have a complete wordcount, and shouldn't be missing anything.

If you find anything out of the ordinary, please don't hesitate to contact us!
walterh on 05/28/2016 22:46
Interview With Pauley Perrette
Our excellent source at Watch! Magazine has let us know that the April issue of Watch! Magazine has an interview with Pauley Perrette from NCIS. Perrette of course plays Abby Sciuto on the show. From the interview:

In the article that accompanies the feature, Perrette discusses the most Southern thing about her, how she owns a bakery but doesn’t eat sugar and is phobic about ovens, her wedding plans and thoughts on Michael Weatherly’s announcement on leaving the show.

The interview can be found online here:
walterh on 04/12/2016 19:33
Issue: Longer Stories
An issue was found with a few of the longer stories that were imported between the old system into the new system. Because there was a database column mismatch, items in the old system could hold text up to 16Mb, but in the new system could only hold up to 4096Kb. Thus, any story over a certain wordcount had their story text cutoff without notice.

We will be working to identify the affected stories, and move the data into place as soon as possible.

Many thanks to the two users who found this, and alerted us to the situation.
walterh on 03/30/2016 14:40