I loved your end notes. And you are right, abuse doesn't have to physical. Just like a woman can just as easily be the abuser as a man. The terrible thing is that most people don't want to believe that the woman can be the abuser in a relationship. A firend's son was arrested beause his wife accused him of abuse. She had a bruse on her wrist where he grabed her to stop her from hitting him. When the cops arrived, he was the one with the bloody face, black eye, claw marks on his face, and chest. While she only had a hand print where he grabbed her . Thank goodness the judge saw things differently and he had ordered her arrestd for abuse when they went to court.
Reviews For A Real Man
I have read this story a couple of times and I really enjoyed it. I loved what Tony said as he left. A real man would leave. How true that is. I loved how you showed that men can be abused in a relationship just as easily as a woman. People forget abuse is abuse, doesn't matter if you are the man or woman or child. It is all the same and an abuser will never change.
Date: 08/11/2015 15:29 [Report This]