Reviews For Means to an End
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Title: Epilogue Reviewer: flutterbyqueen Signed
Beautiful story! For once, it seemed totally in character and just what "could: happen. Thanks!
Date: 05/23/2013 20:47 [Report This]
Title: Epilogue Reviewer: atymer Signed
Enjoyed the fic. Author is a favorite. Like how Gibbs character is explored. The process he has to go through to overcome his own ingrained personality/habits to reach out to someone as vunerable as Tony. Going off to check out other stories I have missed.
Date: 11/08/2010 2:39 [Report This]
Title: Epilogue Reviewer: Alisa Signed
SUPER chapter and SUPER story....i LOVED it......i liked that they had been spending soooooo much time together away from far, it seems to be working well for them. i HATE to say this: but, for some reason i'm smelling a "follow-up" to well done....and i'm looking forward to the NEXT story from ya. alisa
Date: 11/06/2010 17:15 [Report This]
Title: Epilogue Reviewer: Lilliana1981 Signed
God~ I love your stories- all of them! Plain and simple!
Date: 11/06/2010 20:21 [Report This]
Title: Epilogue Reviewer: twilightseeker3 Signed
I have loved, lobed , LOVED this story. I t is one of those that has me checking my email daily to see if a new chapter has been posted. During the intervals I went back and reread huge chunks of your Risky Series which I keep book marked. Thank you for hours of entertainment. I look forward to your next endevor. twi
Date: 11/06/2010 20:48 [Report This]
Title: Epilogue Reviewer: SorgiƱa Signed
Beautiful ending. Loved seeing them in their domesticity. Am adding this to my collection of Tibbs for re-reading on my HD (that way I don't have to worry for when the internet connection goes on the blink)
Date: 11/06/2010 17:02 [Report This]
Title: Epilogue Reviewer: iadorespike Signed
Okay, yes...I'm very glad that the story told you it needed one more chapter. o/ I love that we have a chance to see them together, back home, a little happy domesticity (which pushes all of my buttons!), spending nights together ( even work nights implied), doing chores, cooking at home - all of it. I loved this whole story, but this epilogue really was the cherry on top of the whipped cream. Thanks so much! *hugs* Anna
Date: 11/06/2010 7:16 [Report This]
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