Reviews For Worthy
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Title: Worthy Reviewer: deetayl3 Signed
This was an awesome story. I loved the way you kept Tony's and Gibbs' shifting true to their personalities. One can just picture them changing to either form. I hope you write more of their times together in this AU.
Date: 03/01/2011 2:44 [Report This]
Title: Worthy Reviewer: sagemoon Signed
awesome story! I love it! You should write a follow up, or a multichapter story later!
Date: 09/04/2010 9:04 [Report This]
Title: Worthy Reviewer: twilightseeker3 Signed
PS I really, really, really hope you intend to write more of this.
Date: 05/09/2010 20:39 [Report This]
Title: Worthy Reviewer: twilightseeker3 Signed
I really really liked this one. A well thought out reality and beautifully written. I love how you have made both Tony and Gibbs very strong personalities and keep their "voices" true to the originals. The mental image of Tony hanging upside down staring at Gibbs really made me laugh. Do you have birds? Because it was perfect. gentle journey, twi
Date: 05/09/2010 20:39 [Report This]
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