Summary: Tony knew that he should have taken the job to Rota. But maybe it’s not too late.
Categories: Gen,
Het Characters: Anthony DiNozzo, Jenny Shephard, Jimmy Palmer, Original character, Other
Genre: Episode Related, Friendship
Pairing: Other Pairing
Warnings: None
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: No
Word count: 2268
Read: 10157
Published: 04/13/2010
Updated: 02/16/2012
Story Notes:
In this story, Director Shepard isn’t obsessed by René Benoit. She takes Tony out of his undercover operation with Jeanne when she learns that CIA is involved. She isn’t ill, either.
1. The new team by UldAses
2. Meeting the team by UldAses
Author's Notes:
Tony knew that he had to take the job to Rota. But maybe it’s not too late.
Title: The D-team
Author: Uld_Ases
Chapter: 01/??
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own NCIS, unfortunately
Summary: Tony knew that he should have taken the job to Rota. But maybe it’s not too late.
Previous chapters:
Notes: In this story, Director Shepard isn’t obsessed by René Benoit. She takes Tony out of his undercover operation with Jeanne when she learns that CIA is involved. She isn’t ill, either.
Beta(s): Dannica Webb
Graphics (size, and artist):
“You’re not Gibbs, Tony!” ‘’ Abby, you don’t know how lucky you are that I’m not Gibbs!‘’
“You don’t deserve your own team, Tony!” ‘’McGee, if you knew how many times the Director wanted me to run my own team!‘’
“You don’t have the guts, Tony!” ‘’Ziva, if I didn't have the guts, Gibbs and Maddie would be dead now!‘’
I saw Brad walking in the room.
“So Tony, you’re good but you really need to slow down.”
“I know Brad. But it’s pretty hard when your boss decides to play the lone wolf and your teammates don’t give a damn about you.” Brad looked sadly Tony.
“Maybe it’s time to be your own boss.”
“Maybe. Thanks Brad.”
“Anytime. And I want to meet your new team.” Tony smiled.
“If I have one!” Tony left and drove to NCIS Headquarters. He really needed to talk to Jenny. He couldn’t stay like that.
“DiNozzo, where were you?” Gibbs yelled as soon as he stepped out of the elevator. Tony stopped and took a deep breath.
“Agent Gibbs. I was at Bethesda, seeing Dr Pitt. Now, please, I’ve got to see Director Shepard.” Tony walked fast. He really needed to get out. He knocked on the door.
“Tony, what can I do for you?” Jenny asked.
“I presume Rota is taken but I really need to be transferred.”
Jenny had known that was coming.
“Request denied.” Before Tony could say anything, she continued, “These are applications of new NCIS field agents. The first three are people I can see being on your team.”
Tony smiled to her and took the files. The first was a woman, Amanda Kraft who had just finished FLETC-with flying colors. She used to be Forensic Specialist in a private enterprise. Her elder brother, Aaron Kraft, was a Marine. He read that her mother was a Medical Examiner and her father, a thanatopractor. What the hell is that? He wondered, and grinned. She would be a perfect replacement for Palmer. The second was Brent Langer, ex-FBI. The man was good. Too lazy, maybe. Still, it would be nice-if Langer agreed to work with him. And the third was Daniel Keating, a McGeek v.2.0.The man was very good with computers but was green as field agent. Another Probie to train. He read the others files but Jenny was right. Kraft, Langer and Keating were perfect for him.
“I’m happy. You have some time on the book; take it and get to know the new team. They don’t officially begin for two more weeks.”
“You’re an angel, Jenny.”
She smiled at him in a motherly way.
“I’ve always knew that I couldn’t have children. My work is my whole life. But, I wish sometimes, that if I’d had a boy, he would be like you.” Tony blushed.
“You’d be a great mom.” He kissed her cheek. “So, what happens now?”
“At 5 pm, you’re on leave. I’ll tell your team to join you…?” She trailed off
Tony thought.
“Paint Ball Club, ‘The Hunter’, tomorrow at 6 am. Here is the address.” He wrote the address on a post-it and gave it to Jenny.
“Okay. I want a report on my desk, Sunday afternoon and another one the next Sunday. Your team will begin the following Monday at 7 am.”
“Yes Madam Director!”
“It’s almost five. Want me to join you while you clear your desk?” Tony agreed and they went down to the squadroom.
“Supervisory Special Agent Gibbs.” The official tone of Jenny's voice was a warning.
“Yes, Director?”
“I want you to choose a third team member, to replace Anthony DiNozzo.” Ziva and Tim looked at each other, their expressions clearly saying, ‘’What the hell?‘’
“Jenny, what the hell are you thinking? You don’t have the right to fire one of my men without my knowledge!”
Tony smirked.
“It’s nice to know that you think that the only way I’m out of the team is because I’m fired.”
Jenny decided to announce the great news.
“Supervisory Special Agent DiNozzo has his own team. Following the recommendations of Director Morrow and my own experiences with each member of this team, I’ve promoted him. He has done a great job as team leader. Apparently, the fifth time is the charm. I was disappointed when he refused the position of team leader in Rota but I’m glad he accepted the position here in DC.”
“Well, time to pass the torch. McGee…” Tony brought out a ring binder of his desk. “This is all the stuff you need to know as Senior Field Agent.” Tim didn’t believe how thick the binder was. “Don’t forget to replace the ones which need to be replaced and add the new ones. I wish I had something like this when I begun, instead of Gibbs’ head slaps.” He turned to Ziva. “David, this is a dictionary of street talk. I think it will be useful for you.” He gave to her a black book and turned finally to Gibbs. “Supervisory Special Agent Gibbs. It has been a great honor working with you and I want to thank you for giving me a chance.” He handed Gibbs the box with his medals. “I don’t know who will keep it for you so I will give it back to you.” He continued to clear his desk, putting all of his belongings in a box.
“Tony!” Abby cried. She was followed by Jimmy and Ducky. “You’re leaving the team!”
“I’ve left the team, yes, because I’ve got a new one.”
“But… but… you can’t do that!”
“I already have Abby.” Jimmy talked before Abby could answer.
“That’s great news, Tony! And at least, this team keeps you in DC!” Tony smiled to Jimmy.
“Thanks Palmer! Ducky?”
“My dear boy, I’m happy for you and I expect you’ll come to see me often.”
“Of course, Ducky. Wouldn't have it any other way. Well, it’s 5 pm, folks. I’ll see you all in two weeks!”
“Tony! You can’t leave!” Abby insisted.
“Abby, I work here; I’ve just got a new team, that’s all.”
“We are your team!” Tony had had enough.
“We haven’t be a team for a long time, Abby! I've tried everything to keep this team from collapsing while Gibbs was in Mexico.. It was hard, for everyone, but I grinned and bore it. I was here for all of you! And who was there for me? All that I have was ‘You’re not Gibbs, Tony. You don’t have the guts Tony. Gibbs wouldn’t do things like this.’ All I’ve asked in return is a little support. But no… and you Abby, with your memorial to Gibbs, how do you think I’ve felt? And Ziva. I was your boss. You could have come to me with your problem but no, Gibbs was miles away but he was better, huh? And Gibbs, he comes back and takes over, like he never left in first place. ‘Thanks’ and ‘Good job’ wasn’t in your vocabulary, right, Gibbs? But, I forgot. He’s super-Gibbs, right. He wasn’t the reason why I had to do CPR on Maddie.” He looked angrily at Gibbs. “The next time, I won’t be there to save the day. I hope for you that no one will get hurt.” Tony left.
“He’s right, Gibbs. If he didn’t know you so well, you and Maddie would be dead. I understand you don’t give a crap about your life, but the next time you put the life of a civilian in danger, you won’t like the consequences! Am I clear, Agent Gibbs?” Gibbs clenched his jaws.
“Clear, Director.” Jenny went up to her office, happy with herself. It was time someone stood up to Jethro.
End Notes:
In this story, Director Shepard isn’t obsessed by René Benoit. She takes Tony out of his undercover operation with Jeanne when she learns that CIA is involved. She isn’t ill, either.
Meeting the team by UldAses
Author's Notes:
Tony knew that he should have taken the job to Rota. But maybe it’s not too late.
Title: The D-team
Author: Uld_Ases
Chapter: 02/??
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own NCIS, unfortunately
Summary: Tony knew that he should have taken the job to Rota. But maybe it’s not too late.
Previous chapters:
Notes: In this story, Director Shepard isn’t obsessed by René Benoit. She takes Tony out of his undercover operation with Jeanne when she learns that CIA is involved. She isn’t ill, either.
Beta(s): None
Graphics (size, and artist):
Brent Langer was waiting. The paint-ball club will open in 10 minutes, at 0600. He was surprised when Director Shepard told him that he would be under DiNozzo orders. But he didn’t care much. He liked DiNozzo. Gibbs seemed to be a good boss but working with DiNozzo would be smoother. A woman came and looked at him before making a sign to him. She had auburn hair, and, now she was closer to him, cat-like eyes. He asked to himself if she could purr too. She made a smile and (he thought that he really needed to get his thought off his face) she purred.
“I’ve got the disguise, if you’re interested” she said to him in a smile. He took a deep breath.
“You’re a bad, bad, girl!” He smiled to her “I’m Agent Brent Langer. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Probationary Agent Amanda Kraft. Pleasure is mine.” Brent liked her. She seemed fun to mess with. Another man walked to them. He looked geeky.
“Hi! Are you my team? I’m Probationary Agent Daniel Keating.”
“Hi! Another probie! Lucky me! I’m Probationary Agent Amanda Kraft and he’s Agent Brent Langer. Well, someone knows our boss?”
“Yes! I’ve work with him once, when I was with the FBI.” And Brent began to tell them everything he knew.
Amanda Kraft was sure that she would love her new boss. After talking a little with Director Shepard, she knew that her boss would be nice but expected the best from his team. And she liked that. An iron hand in a velvet glove. She didn’t like non-sense people. She was a scientist, she needed facts. Not hocus-pocus. She saw a man, obviously a federal agent and waved to him before coming closer. She saw his face and knew what he was thinking. That what guys thought since she was teenager. And she began to purr.
“I’ve got the disguise, if you’re interested” and she knew that it will be fun to mess with him. Another agent -another probie- came and they talked. First about their boss, then about them. At 06 o’clock, she looked around, trying to see their boss. At 0615, she tried to call him.
“What?” she said when she saw the strange glance she received from her coworkers.
Daniel Keating knew he will never be a James Bond, but behind his beloved computers, he knew that he could make a difference. But that would be hypocrite to say that he didn’t want real action. That why, after years in Cybercrimes, he became a field agent. Well, he’s a Probationary Agent for now but he will do everything he could for becoming a real field agent. That’s his goal. He saw two peoples, talking, probably his teammates. He talked to them, about his boss, about him, about them. And he realized that they’re nice. Langer teased him a little but it was nice. But as an ex-FBI agent, he had to know that geeks were important too.
“What are you doing?” he asked to Amanda.
“I’m calling our boss, what else?”
“You have his number?” asked Brent.
“Duh. I asked to Director Shepard his number, just in case. Don’t you?” Daniel looked at Brent and the senior agent shrugged his shoulders. Daniel thought that they need to think about stuff like that. If anything would happen, they didn’t have any way to contact their boss directly. While she was talking with DiNozzo, Daniel talked to Brent.
Anthony DiNozzo Junior aka Tony was hiding and looked at his team. His team. That was good! Naturally, Brent was the first. Tony decided to make him his Senior Agent. Then Amanda arrived. The woman was beautiful and he could see the teasing between the two of them. He wasn’t a fan of Gibbs rule 12. Sexual tension was worse than love because it could highlight all the bad feelings. UST became frustration, frustration became anger and anger became mistakes on the field that could get your teammate killed. Well, they just met. But he will make clear that he didn’t against relationship between teammates if it couldn’t meddle with the work and the team’s safety. Then, Daniel arrived. He wasn’t just another McGee. Where McGee was unsure, Daniel was careful. He was still a geek but a little more sociable. He heard them talk and was happy. His team is already bonding. He was surprised when he learnt that only Amanda thought about having his number. But a good point for her. His cellphone vibrated and he answered. Few minutes later, he hung up, and walked to his team.
“Good Morning Team!” greeted Tony, loudly and happily.
“Good morning Boss!” he received in answer.
“Well, I’m Supervisory Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo but you can call me Tony or Boss. We have two weeks for know each other and to make this team a real team. Since Brent is already an agent and knows how everything works, he will be my Senior Field Agent. It’s all right?” The three agents nodded. “And now, you will learn one of the most important rules: be always ready. Show me your car.”
They went to Brent’s car first, then Daniel and finally Amanda. Tony was pleased by what he found. He didn’t expect less from Brent but the two probies were a pleasant surprise. After a little clarification, they went to the paint ball club for testing them. Fifteen minutes later, Tony grinned to Brent who smirked. They had two probies to found. The hunt was opened.
End Notes:
In this story, Director Shepard isn’t obsessed by René Benoit. She takes Tony out of his undercover operation with Jeanne when she learns that CIA is involved. She isn’t ill, either.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.