A Shot to the Heart by jackilee71
Summary: Tony tells 'the team' how he feels about them.
Categories: Gen Characters: Abby Sciuto, Anthony DiNozzo, Donald Mallard, Jimmy Palmer, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Timothy McGee, Ziva David
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Friendship, Drama, Case, Angst, Alternate Universe, Action
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 13752 Read: 274690 Published: 03/08/2011 Updated: 04/11/2011
-14- by jackilee71
(Dream state)

AN: This chapter is PURELY self-indulgent. There is a little "Jony?" (Jenny/Tony). I am also pretty sure that The Frog's name is spelled wrong. I gave Jenny's disease a name. I don't think Ducky ever said what is was Jenny had.

Tony had returned to the park bench. There was another woman suddenly sitting beside him.

“Jenny Shepard!” Tony turned and looked at her surprised.

“Anthony.” Jenny replied.

“You’ve never called me Anthony before.”

Jenny nodded. “I know. I know you feel responsible for my death. But you were not to blame. I chose to go alone, because I knew it would be dangerous. I knew I had put you through enough with Jeanne. The thing with Le Granouille was personal, Tony. It should have stayed out of the office. That last thing was personal, too. I was not going to let it enter the office.”

“Jenny, I….” Tony started.

Jenny put up her hand. “I was dying, Tony. I had another six months, tops.”

Tony sat shocked and speechless.

“Ducky did routine, blood work as part of my annual physical. He found a problem and did additional blood work.” Jenny explained. “I had ALS, Tony.”

“Jenny, I’m sorry.” Tony said, tears streaming down his face.

Jenny scooted closer to Tony and pulled him into an embrace. “I didn’t have a death wish. I…I just didn’t want you and Ziva to be hurt, possibly killed over something so personal. When I saw that car blow up, when we all thought you had been killed, part of me died that day. I couldn’t even look at you when you came back. I was too ashamed. I had been too selfish and too self-absorbed to even consider the danger I had put you in. I paid no attention to the fact you might get hurt, physically or emotionally, and I am so very sorry for that.”

“It’s OK.” Tony said. “I’m OK.”

“No…No, it’s not. I took advantage of you. I knew you were still dealing with Gibbs’ departure. I knew you were still feeling out this new position, a little unsure of yourself. I took advantage of that, Tony. I knowingly took advantage of your vulnerability. “

“It’s time to go back, Tony.” Jenny stood to leave. “Jethro, Tim, Ziva, Abby, Ducky, even Jimmy, especially Jethro, they all need you. You’re the glue for that weird little family.”

Tony grabbed her hand. “I needed the distraction. Anything would have done.” Tony sighed. “I hadn’t planned on falling in love. It happened. You aren’t to blame for that. No one can predict the future.”

Jenny smiled, realizing she had not fooled him for a moment.

Tony stood and pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. He kissed her cheek. “I am very grateful for the opportunity to get to know you.” Tony said sincerely.

Jenny looked up at him and smiled. “There are a couple of things I have always wanted to do, if you will indulge me.”

“Sure.” Tony said a little uneasily, unsure of her intentions. “Okay.”

Jenny unbuttoned a couple more buttons on Tony’s dress shirt to reveal even more chest hair. She slipped her hand inside to feel the luxurious matt. Jenny had always had a thing for chest hair. After running her hand over his chest a couple of times she then moved her hand up to the back of Tony’s neck. She wanted to kiss those ‘kissable lips.’ She gently pulled his face closer to hers until their lips touched. She slipped one arm around his waist, left the other in his hair, and kissed him like she had always dreamed of doing. It left them both breathless.

Jenny put both hands on his chest and pushed herself away from him. She looked up at him, smiling. “Umm. It was everything I thought it would be.” She paused. “And much more.” She took his hand again. “Thank you.”

Tony just looked at her, a big grin spreading across his face.

“You are a good man, Anthony DiNozzo. I was very blessed to have had you in my life.” Jenny turned and walked away, disappearing into the fog.

Tony started to walk again. He had this feeling he urgently needed to be somewhere.

This story archived at http://www.ncisfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=4067