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“So why did you tell us?” Gibbs asked slowly, now that he’d had change to digest everything he’d been told. “I’m guessing your secret doesn’t go down well with everyone.”

“True,” Xander nodded, finishing off his coffee before throwing the cup across the room where it sailed nicely through the air into the bin. “Giles trusts Donald, and Donald trusts you. From what I’ve read about you all, you can all handle this without freaking out and you’re not going to try and expose it because you’ve already figured out that no one would believe you without proof.” He watched everyone as they all nodded slowly.

“I still can’t get over this, vampires are real.” Tony muttered, shivering slightly.

“I know.” Abby grinned at him causing Xander to shake his head in amusement; he’d never understand the Goth culture, not if he lived to be a thousand.

“So where do vampires come into this?” Gibbs asked, still in disbelief that he was having a serious conversation about vampire killers.

“Jack’s always used them, a few fledglings he recruits to clean up after him. It’s the same every time. The last time he surfaced was in New York in nineteen eighty eight, he had a group of three vampires with him then, the same before, or at least that’s what the records say.” Xander explained. “They clean up the blood and get a quick meal of it while Jack does his killing. He pays them and gives them some of his blood in return for them helping him.”

“Three vampires?” Tony asked, horrified by the prospect of facing his childhood nightmares.

“He’s never used more than three, sometimes less according to records but I plan for the worst.” Xander muttered. “Guns will slow them down, stake, sunlight or fire to finish them off.”

“And we’re actually going to hunt vampires?” Kate asked, still in disbelief at the entire situation.

“If it gets too much for us i’ll call in some back up, they can’t deal with Jack, but they can take care of the vampires.” Xander explained. “Jack’s mine.” He said darkly.

“So where do we start?” Gibbs asked, glancing at the map of the area where the two bodies had been found, red pins marking them on the outskirts of the warehouse district on the north side of DC.

Walking over to the map Xander searched for the street where the club Rupert had told him about was located. Picking a green pin out of the box he jabbed it into the map, showing the location where the club was located. “Siguranţă Fui” He explained, his Romanian accent terrible.

“I know that place, it’s a club on fourteenth and eighth. Very private, invite only, I’ve been trying to get in for years.” Abby said in excitement.

“It’s a safe haven for vampires, demons and... others, no violence can be committed inside the haven, Giles explained about it to me before I left, if anyone knows anything, that’ll be the place.” Xander smiled, thinking about running into his old demon friend again. He hadn’t seen Lorne since he left Cleveland over a year ago, he’d moved there after Angel had destroyed Wolfram and Heart taking down the Black Thorn, he stayed for a while before moving on to DC to open his own club again.

“So we head there tonight, find out what everyone knows.” Gibbs stated, it was a plan he could get behind, go in with backup, and interrogate everyone until they found what they needed.

“No, I go in with two others as backup, if we go in in force we’ll never get past the entrance.” Xander looked round the group, Abby would definitely fit in with the crowd, she’d be expected to be there and could blend in easily. Tony wouldn’t, he already had trouble dealing with vampires and his clean cut image wouldn’t cut it in the Haven. Kate maybe, but he didn’t like the idea of taking her that deep into the nightlife on her first night out, she’d be unpredictable and he didn’t know how she’d react to the more exotic forms of demons they were likely to find there. That left Gibbs. “Me, you,” He nodded to Gibbs. “And Abby go tonight.”

Tony seemed relieved that he hadn’t been asked to go, that way he didn’t have to make up any excuses as to any he couldn’t face it. Kate didn’t seem to know what to think, she was relieved she hadn’t been chosen, but was pissed off at not being chosen. The conflicting emotions were playing across her face like a TV that was being flicked over too quickly.

“I don’t like Abby being in the field.” Gibbs said sharply.

“Agent DeNozzo couldn’t handle it, and Agent Todd is an unknown at this point. I don’t know how she’ll react to what we see in there. Abby can take it and will fit in, you are an ex marine with nearly twenty years service, you can handle yourself and know how to follow rules.” Xander explained his choices.

“I said I didn’t like it,” Gibbs paused. “Not that I didn’t agree with them.”

“Leave your guns at home, we’ll be wearing surveillance gear with sound a vision, so you two and stay back in a truck and watch us from there.” Xander explained his plan.

“I’m not going into an unknown situation unarmed.” Gibbs said, his tone daring Xander to argue with him.

“Never said you would,” Xander grinned. “Guns aren’t going to do anything though, i’ll fit you with the usual assortment of toys to help, but you won’t be able to use them inside the Haven.”

“Tony, get the surveillance gear ready,” Gibbs started to bark orders.

“No need, you’re already wearing them.” Xander grinned. “Who’s the techie here?” Abby shot her hand up. “Right, IP 482.359.485.2, frequency 4596 MHz with a rotating signature of thirty four.” Abby paused, looking at him in puzzlement before moving over to the computer bank on the wall and adjusting a few things.

“Are you sure? That’s way too high for any video signal, even the audio’s going to have trouble getting through on that wavelength.” Abby explained as she tapped away on the keys.

“Trust me.” Xander grinned. “Password Hyena,” He announced as he saw the screen flash up with its usual SWCI logo, all nicely designed by Willow and Kennedy. “Activate one through four.” He watched as the screens flickered to life showing perfect video footage. It was far superior to anything the NCIS had access too, the picture was perfect clarity and the detail was amazing.

“The crucifixes.” Gibbs smiled.

“Yup, camera, microphone and GPRS tracking signal.” Xander grinned as he watched the team look at the crucifix’s to try and figure out how they were working. “Don’t bother, I’ve had it explained to me five times and I still don’t get it. Technology and magic working at its best, just accept it and move on.”

“But where’s the power coming from? To transmit a signal of that quality and strength would require an amazing amount of power, far more than a battery would be capable of providing.” Kate voiced he disbelief as she moved around, watching the screen display a perfect image from her crucifix.

“Something about sub space pockets linked to zero energy points or something,” Xander trailed off. “When they start talking tech I zone out.” He admitted with a grin. “As long as it works I don’t need to know how it works, just that it does.”

“On that we finally agree on something.” Gibbs nodded at him.

“Too much science for me,” Xander admitted, sharing a small smile with Gibbs. “Undercover clothes, think black and dangerous.” He turned to Gibbs, trying to figure out how he was going to pull this off. “I’ve got some stuff you can use,” He added, he was only a few inches taller than Gibbs, and not much larger in the arms or chest. Most of his clothes should fit him easily. “If you show me where my hotel is, i’ll sort out some stuff for you. Meet back here at seven?” He checked with everyone to make sure this was alright.

“Tony, sort out the transport, unmarked car for you two to follow. Kate, stick with Tony and make sure he gets it right,” Gibbs ordered. “Which hotel are you staying at?” He asked, turning to Xander.

“The Fairmont,” Xander answered after a moment’s thought, Giles had sorted accommodation out for him, so it wasn’t something he knew much about, only the name of the place and the address. “24th Street and M Street?”

Tony whistled under his breath and Kate just looked at him in amazement.

“Right, Abby, you’re with us. We can drop you off after Harris has got set up. Then you can tell me all you know about this club.” Gibbs ordered before turning on his heels and walking out the door.

“He always like this?” Xander asked as Abby hurried past him.

Tony just nodded with a smile, as did Kate.

“I’m afraid so my boy, now hurry up or you’ll miss the elevator.” Ducky smiled at him as he turned and jogged after the two. “I have a feeling this is going to be quite the adventure.” He smiled as he turned to walk out of the room and back down to autopsy. “Quite the adventure indeed.”


“I’m here to check in.” Xander smiled at the clerk as the three walked into the hotel lobby. They had found the place pretty easily with Gibbs directions and Abby filling him in about what she knew of the club they were going to tonight.

“Name?” The clerk asked, eying Abby with disdain.

“Special Agent Alexander Harris.” He said sharply, emphasising the titles. He hated people like this who looked down their noses at other people just because they dressed different or had eccentric tastes.

“Ah Mister Harris,” The clerk smiled, all his features had changed now to show a completely open and welcoming man eager to please. “You’re in the Gold Shenandoah Suite,” He clicked his fingers as two bell boys rushed over and grabbed the suitcases that Xander had set down beside him. “Take Mister Harris to the Shenandoah Suite please.” The bellboys moved off to wait at the elevator. “If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you.” Xander ground out before moving off to follow the people showing him to his room.

“The Shenandoah Suite?” Abby asked in awe while Gibbs just raised an eyebrow at him. “The nicest hotel in DC and you get the Shenandoah Suite?”

“Don’t look at me, Giles organised it. I would have been happy with a motel room or something.” Xander grinned as the golden elevator doors shut behind them and they started moving upwards slowly.

“Your agency must have better funding than us.” Gibbs said, trying to get a feel for what sort of people he was actually dealing with here.

“You have no idea.” Xander grinned back at him.

As the elevator stopped Xander moved to exit the tight space, but the doors didn’t open. He turned to the bellboy to ask if there was a problem but watched him use a swipe card to open the doors. “You’ll need these to get in and out of the suite sir.” The bellboy explained, handing Xander a card which had a magnetic stripe on the back like a bank card and the hotels logo on the front. As the door opened Xander had to let out a low whistle. The suit covered the entire top floor of the hotel and was amazingly decorated; it had a large TV in the centre room with tables and sofa’s around it with doors leading off in each direction.

“Will there be anything else sir?” The bellboy asked politely.

“No, thanks,” Xander managed to stutter out before the bellboys smiled at him before leaving three of the magnetic card keys on the side table then taking the elevator back down to the ground floor. “Wow,” He let his amazement show as he looked around the suite, two huge bedrooms with double beds in each. An amazing bathroom with shower and Jacuzzi bath, a huge desk with Ethernet ports for him to set his laptop up on stood to the side of the entertainment center on the far wall and large cream leather couches finished off the living room perfectly.

“I’m guessing you didn’t know about this then?” Gibbs asked, noting Xander’s reaction.

“Hell no,” Xander muttered, poking his head round another room where he found an amazingly stocked kitchen.

“This room is charged at over two thousand dollars.” Gibbs whispered to Xander.

“Per week?” Xander asked shocked.

“Per night,” Gibbs shot back with a smile. “It’s the most expensive suite, in the most luxurious hotel in DC.”

“And now I’m afraid to touch anything in case I break it.” Xander said nervously.

“We don’t have much time and I’m assuming you’ll want to eat before we head out.” Gibbs asked and was rewarded by a nod from Xander. “So order room service then we can start getting ready.” Gibbs shrugged off his coat and threw it on the couch. “Come on.” He snapped when Xander just stared at him.

“I think you broke him.” Abby grinned.

“I broke him? He just told us he’s immortal and there are vampires and demons out there that no one knows about. Adding that to the list that crucifix’s work against vampires, so that means God must actually exist... I think I’ve had enough for one day to validate a little payback Abs.” Gibbs smiled at her as she sat on the sofa and watched Xander traipse his suitcases into the bed room before throwing them on the bed.


“I look like an idiot!” Gibbs shouted from the second bedroom where he had gone to change into the clothes that Xander had given him.

“Come on, it can’t be that bad.” Abby shouted encouragement though the door as Xander came out of his bedroom. He was dressed in tight black jeans with a black t-shirt that looked like it had been painted on. His hair was stuck up at odd angles and his eye patch had been replaced with a black leather one with a single silver stud in the middle, a long black leather trench coat flowed out behind him completing the look. Letting out a low whistle Abby admired the view for a moment before applauding softly. “Didn’t think you had it in you.”

“I don’t, I hate this get up but it’s the only way to get in unnoticed.” Xander admitted. He always hated dressing like this, he’d had to do it several times before to get into vampire clubs and bars, and every time he felt like a Spike impersonator. He’d even found himself mimicking the bad accent from time to time before Dawn slapped him when she heard him do it.

Xander turned when Abby started laughing before covering her mouth with her hand and clamping down her jaw tightly. He could imagine what was behind him but had to turn round to see it. Gibbs was stood there in pretty much exactly the same get up he had on, but a bright red silk shirt finished it off, unbuttoned like Spike used to wear. “Perfect.” Xander grinned. “One last touch, makeup.”

“If you come near me with lipstick or eyeliner I WILL shoot you.” Gibbs threatened seriously.

“Just some powder,” Abby mollified him. “You’re too bronzed to pass as a Goth, both of you. Just something to pale down your skin,” She smiled, fishing her makeup out of one of the large pockets in her combats before applying the white power to Xander first. “See?”

“Alright.” Gibbs finally relented after a moment of glaring. He could see the logic in it, but hated doing it and could already picture Tony and Kate’s faces when they saw him. He grimaced as Abby quickly applied the makeup to his face, taking care around his ‘salt and pepper’ hair as she called it.

“Last touch,” Xander grinned, pulling out a small leather bag. “Toys.”

Opening the bag he threw over a large leather belt with metal stripes running across the top of it. In the middle of the back of the belt was a hole, which Gibbs immediately knew what was used for when Xander handed him a small throwing knife. A double sided holster was next that held two stakes which Gibbs expertly put on, replacing his own single gun holster. Two larger blades followed that stuck to the holster on his back, if felt like they were being pulled in place by powerful magnets, Gibbs moved about a bit, checking they wouldn’t fall off before nodding in satisfaction and pulling the trench coat back on and checking he still had everything in easy reach.

“Now you’re ready.” Xander said, glancing at everything to make sure that nothing screamed out ‘cop’ or ‘plant’ to anyone. “Loosen up a bit as well, your stance screams marine.” He watched as Gibbs slouched slowly, shaking his arms slightly to loosen them up as he slipped more into a civilian stance. “Same weapons for you are in the bag, you can put them on once you’re dressed.” Xander nodded to Abby.

“What about you?” Gibbs asked, not seeing any of the weapons he was wearing attached to Xander’s clothes.

With a swish of his coat Xander twirled round to face him, his arm expertly going under the left side of his coat and pulling out a long rapier. “I have my own choice.”

Even from across the room Gibbs could see the rapier was expertly made and razor sharp. The hilt was carved in an intricate silver grip with a single emerald in the hilt. While the blade didn’t look thick it definitely looked dangerous. “Fair enough,” He nodded, accepting that Xander knew how to use it from his stance and the way he held it like it was an old friend. “One question.”

“Shoot.” Xander quipped, replacing the rapier beneath his coat where it simply disappeared from view.

“You said you heal from anything,” Gibbs stated simply as Xander nodded. “Why the eye patch then.”

“I lost it before I became immortal.” Xander said simply, not offering any more explanation.

“How did you become immortal then? Magic?” Gibbs tried to understand how things worked in this new world he had been thrust into.

“I died, drained by vampires.” Xander explained sharply. “My teacher found me, taught me what it meant to be immortal.”

“Sounds like a good friend.” Gibbs offered as a peace offering to lighten the mood.

“Known him over fifteen years now,” Xander smiled back to how they had first met in the school library. “He’s the best.”

“Right, Abby’s then back to HQ,” Gibbs stated, turning round and heading towards the elevator quickly, his trench coat billowing out behind him as he walked.

“How come I can never get mine to look as cool as that?” Xander muttered to Abby as they both followed.

“He’s Gibbs.” Abby offered as an explanation with a grin as they entered the elevator.

“Should have seen that coming.” Xander muttered with a smile as the elevator doors closed and they started their decent to the ground floor.


“One word DiNozzo, one word and I will shoot you.” Gibbs stated coldly as the trio walked through the entrance hall to NCIS HQ to be met by sniggers from Gibbs’ team.

“Wasn’t going to say a thing boss,” Tony managed to get out from his tightly clenched jaw. He coughed lightly to cover his laugh before forcing a straight face to continue talking. “Van’s packed and ready to roll.”

“We’ll take my car; meet us round front in ten minutes.” Xander stated before he walked off with Gibbs back through the main entrance.

“Those two are too much alike.” Tony commented to Kate as the elevator closed on them to take them down to the garage.

The drive was made in pretty much silence to the club, with Xander driving and Gibbs checking ever so often that the ‘magic microphones and camera’s’ were working properly. Abby made a few comments here and there about the club and what sort of music to expect while Xander informed them of the sorts of demons they might come across

“Pull over here, we’ll walk the rest.” Gibbs ordered, Xander shot him a glare but complied anyway. The van with Kate and Tony pulled up in front of them and opened the rear doors while Xander, Gibbs and Abby got out.

“ID’s, weapons and anything that can link you to official business stays in the truck.” Xander ordered, throwing his wallet and nine mil into the van, causing Tony to jump slightly as the gun impacted the floor. Gibbs did the same while Abby just watched them.

“No ID anyway,” She commented with a smile.

“My cell phone will work in the club, don’t know about your two though,” Xander nodded to Gibbs and Abby who nodded back.

“Magic right?” Tony half asked, half stated.

“Right, call on that if something’s wrong, other than that, just watch and listen.” Xander smiled, watching as Gibbs and Abby put their cells in the truck before Tony shut the doors. “You ready for this?” He asked, paying special attention to Gibbs’ reaction.

“No,” Gibbs answered truthfully, drawing a grin from Xander. “But what the hell.”

The trio made their way quickly down the street, ignoring the passersby who looked at them in amusement. It was only a five minute walk to the club from where they had parked round the corner, just to make sure no one was watching them or following the van.

The queue to the club was huge, it ran along the outside of the club and round a corner, while Gibbs and Abby were going to move to step into the queue Xander just kept walking, ignoring the queue and moving to speak to the bouncers personally.

“I’m here to see Lorne.” Xander whispered to the bounce who just eyed him carefully. “Tell him it’s Xander.”

The bouncer paused before moving off into the background and speaking on a private ear piece for a moment before pausing then smiling at the reply.

“You’re in.” He grinned, baring unnaturally pointy teeth at the trio before pulling the red rope aside and allowing them entrance.

“Remember, no matter what,” Xander paused for effect, waiting for Abby and Gibbs to look at him. “Don’t stare.”

There was another door at the bottom of the stairs with what looked like a metal detector in front of it. A man, or at least that’s what Gibbs thought it was, it wasn’t female so he assumed male, was stood in a bright orange suit by the detector holding a door open to the left of the passage.

“Lorne,” Xander grinned before hugging the green skinned demon. “It’s been too long.”

“Sure has sweet cheeks, come on in.” Lorne smiled and held out the door for Xander and his group to pass on through, bypassing the metal detector completely. “After I left Cleveland I didn’t think I’d see you again.”

“Times change Lorne,” Xander said loudly to carry over the loud rock music that was playing in the main club as the group made their way through. “We need to talk in private.”

“Back room sugar,” Lorne smiled, pointing to the door at the rear of the club. “I’ll be there in just a tick.”

Xander nodded as Lorne moved off to talk with the barman before he let Abby and Gibbs through the mass of people into the back room where he closed the door after they entered, the music immediately falling silent as the thin wooden door shut behind them.

“Weird.” Gibbs commented, glaring at the door as if it offended him.

“What?” Xander grinned, sitting down on one of the large red leather couches in the room.

“The door,” Gibbs pointed to it. “Can’t be more than an inch thick, but it stops the music completely.”

“Magic,” Xander grinned, wiggling his fingers at Gibbs while he laughed. Abby just smiled at the two, she hadn’t felt this open around anyone since Tim, but even the memory of him made her depressed now, a far cry from the vibrant, bubbly person she used to be.

“Funny,” Gibbs glared at him before moving over and sitting on the couch. “And what was that? Lorne?”

“Lorne Greene,” Xander grinned at the old joke Lorne had cooked up in his name. “He’s a demon, anagogic demon to be precise.”

“And that means what exactly?” Gibbs asked, smirking as Abby kept looking between them as if it was a quick game of ping pong.

“He can tell you your future if you sing for him.” Xander smiled when Gibbs immediately fell silent, opening then closing his mouth a few times before deciding to remain ignorant about things like fate and the future. “I’m sure he’ll do a reading for you if I ask.”

Gibbs just glared at him, wincing again when the door opened and Lorne stepped through with the loud music blaring behind him before it went quiet again as he closed the door. “Sweet cheeks, this had better be personal, though from the outfit I’m guessing not.” Lorne winced as he flicked open Xander’s jacket and took in the whole look.

“Sorry Lorne, business as usual.” Xander said, smiling before he sat down again, motioning for Abby and Gibbs to do the same.

“Why is it every time I see you or one of your sweet heart slayers, trouble comes calling soon after?” Lorne stated, not even a question as he sighed and started rubbing his temples.

“We need information.” Xander explained his presence but was interrupted from saying more when Gibbs coughed loudly from beside him. “Oh yeah, Special Agent Gibbs and Miss Abby Sciuto.”

“Pleasure,” Gibbs smiled as the green skinned demon smiled back.

“Enchanted,” Lorne smiled, standing up and taking Abby’s hand to kiss it lightly.

“He’s back,” Xander said, interrupting the harmless flirting that Lorne applied to all the female guests here.

“Honey you’d better be talking about Arnold and not who I think you’re going to say.” Lorne grimaced as Xander nodded. “Adios Washington then, and I was just beginning to like it here.”

“It gets worse.” Xander said softly.

“Sugar, if he’s back, how can it get worse.” Lorne asked with a wry smile.

“He’s after cops this time,” Xander nodded as Lorne’s red eyes opened wide. “NCIS are investigating the death of one of their own,” He nodded to Gibbs. “This is going to get ugly.”

“Honey bun, this is already ugly,” Lorne smiled softly before moving over to the wall and pressing one of the flashing coloured panels, causing one of the larger panels on the wall to slide up and reveal a small mini-bar. “Are you sure it’s him?”

“It’s him.” Xander nodded with finality.

“Check the warehouse on forty fifth by the water front,” Lorne said while mixing up some sort of pink cocktail. “A few Brachen were complaining about being kicked out of there last week. They thought The Scourge was back in town.”

“The Scourge are gone,” Xander said. “You know that.”

“I sure do sweetie,” Lorne smiled, mixing another blue drink which he handed to Xander then a green one for Abby, and then simply pouring a shot of bourbon for Gibbs. “But if this is turning into a war zone, i’ll be out of here by tomorrow night.”

“Thought you’d appreciate the heads up,” Xander smiled, taking a sip of his blue drink. It was strange, Lorne always knew what you wanted, even before you sang for him he could get your drink right. He’d asked him about it once when he was running a bar in Cleveland for a while, he said it was nothing to do with his abilities, more just a bartender thing. “Haven’t had any of my kind in here then?”

“Not in this bar,” Lorne smiled, sipping at his sea breeze again before looking round to make sure everyone else was enjoying their drink. Abby was already half way through hers while Gibbs was rolling the empty class in-between his hands and glaring at the two impatiently. “Something wrong sugar?”

“It’s his first night in ‘the real world.’” Xander explained.

“I think I should leave,” Gibbs stood up to go. “I’ll check out the warehouse with Tony and Kate, you stay here in case anything turns up.”

“You sure?” Xander asked while Abby just nodded and smiled.

“Come back if you ever want to talk sugar,” Lorne smiled, holding out his hand which Gibbs took gingerly and shook.

“You sure?” Xander asked again, standing up and facing Gibbs directly.

Gibbs didn’t respond, he just turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him and moving off through the crowd to the exit.

“He just needs some time,” Abby explained, sipping more of her drink. “He’ll be fine.”

“And you?” Xander grinned with a raised eyebrow as she finished off her green drink.

“Are you kidding?” Abby asked with a large grin. “I love it, I mean I always knew about vampires, well not knew but knew, you know? But all of this, it’s amazing.”

Xander laughed heartily while Lorne fixed him another drink.

“What about aliens, is Roswell real? Area fifty one? The Bermuda triangle, the Loch Ness monster?” Abby rattled off questions, causing Xander to laugh harder.

“Behave and one day I might tell you.” He quipped, causing Abby to pause in thought while Lorne handed her another drink.

“Listen sweeties,” He smiled at the two. “You two have a good night, you’re welcome back at Siguranţă Fui when it reopens anytime you wish,” Lorne bent down, kissing Abby’s hand again. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” With that he opened the door and closed it behind him before moving off down to the karaoke lounge downstairs where he had a queue of people waiting for his services.

“Let’s have a look round then and see what shakes loose.” Xander quipped, holding his hand out to help Abby off the couch.

“Indeed,” Abby grinned, threading her arm through Xander’s as the two made their way out of the private room, still sipping their drinks as they made their way through the exotic patrons of the club.


“Look, I’m just not sure about this ok?” Gibbs announced for the fourth time as he sat in the back of the van watching Xander and Abby though the monitors. They were going to check out the warehouse that the green skinned ‘thing’ had told them about, but after Kate reminded him that one, the warehouse used to be full of demons until something nastier forced them out, and two, Xander had left his wallet, keys and gun in the truck with them, and they wouldn’t leave Abby with him, even as armed as he appeared to be. You never left a marine alone, rule five.

“What was it like in there boss?” Tony asked, amusement showing on his face whenever he looked at Gibbs. He’d long since wiped off the makeup and had buttoned up the red shirt, so now he was just in ret shirt and jeans, a bit darker for Gibbs but he could pull it off.

“Weird, the bouncers definitely weren’t human, you got images saved of all the ‘weirder’ people,” Gibbs winced at the term people when most of the things in there definitely weren’t human. “And I use the term loosely, in there?”

“Yeah, even that green skinned guy Xander was talking too.” Tony answered.

“He was kinda cute.” Kate smiled, looking at the monitor that showed a picture of Lorne smiling directly at the camera as if he knew it was there.

“He was a demon.” Gibbs stated, his voice full of disbelief at what he had just heard.

“He’s right,” Tony agreed. “Don’t know if it’s even male, or has a sex for that matter. Sounds like most of your boyfriends.” He grinned as Kate scowled at him.

“What are they doing now?” Gibbs asked, turning round to look at the two cameras’ that were still active.

“They covered the main floor for a while, talked for a bit and Agent Harris identified a few of the weirder things in there for Abby. I got names to go with the pictures we’ve got,” Tony slipped back into work mode quickly. “They’re heading down to the second floor now, karaoke apparently.” He grinned.

“A demon bar with karaoke, somehow it works.” Kate smiled, just when things were getting too weird, a bit of normality helped to calm things down again, aside from the large furry thing on the stage that was belting out ‘Cuban Pete’ at the top of his voice, it could have been any normal bar in DC.

“At least Abby seems to be having a good time.” Tony smiled, looking at Xander’s camera that was paying a bit too much attention to Abby and not enough attention to the surroundings. He they realised what he was thinking and shook himself out of it, it was exactly what he would have done in a strip bar or something, so he couldn’t really berate Xander for it.

“Which is why she’s in there are we’re out here.” Gibbs nodded to her camera that was focusing on every strange creature in there. “She looks like she belongs in there and doesn’t attract any attention, any of us would stick out like sore thumbs, me included.” He glanced down at the clothes he was wearing and shook his head in disbelief that he had even got roped into doing this.

“Whoa, what is that?” Tony asked, jumping forward to get a better look at the image on the monitor that Abby was carefully staring at now.

“Turn up the volume.” Gibbs ordered, intrigued as much as the rest of them.

‘That’s a succubus,” Xander’s voice came clearly over the microphone. ‘Her wings are folded close to her back while inside; they feed on sexual energy during intercourse, the more masculine the person, the better the energy. There are stories they can actually ‘love’ you to death if they feed on one person too much.’

‘Tony would love that!’ Abby grinned, looking down into the camera quickly. ‘You want me to get her number for you?’ She laughed at the camera, not expecting a reply before moving off to get descriptions of the other demons in the place.

“She’s right.” Kate grinned at Tony. “I’m sure the vampire bouncers would let you in to talk to her if Xander asked them too.”

“Hah ha!” Tony muttered sarcastically but smiled none the less. “Seems most of the demons in there are harmless boss, from Xander’s descriptions of them, a lot of them are herbivores or don’t kill anyone, they’re just looking out for their own like we do.”

“He’s right, Xander hasn’t pointed out any vampires or anything that would pose a danger to them, I think tonight’s a bust.” Kate voiced her opinion before looking back at the screen. “Where’s Xander?” As everyone turned to look at the screens, Xander’s monitor had gone black, while Abby’s showed her heading out of the club entrance and back up the stairs.

“Find out what’s wrong, i’ll get Abby.” Gibbs ordered, grabbing his gun quickly then grabbing a few of the knives that Xander had given him before throwing on his jacket again and opening the back doors to the van and climbing out.

“Sure thing.” Tony and Kate started tapping on keys quickly as the doors closed behind them.

Gibbs jogged down the street quickly, turning the corner and nearly knocking Abby down on his way. “Where’s Harris?” He demanded.

“Out back, said he saw something dangerous heading out of the club with some people, he told me to head back to the car and lock myself in, in case something went wrong.” Abby pouted slightly at the idea that she didn’t get too see him in action, but understood what Xander had done.

“Get back to the van and lock the doors,” Gibbs ordered, not waiting for any discussion before jogging off towards the club, glancing down the back alleys he passed in case he found a way that could lead him round the back. Finding one finally he ducked down where he heard shouting and quickly made his way round to check that it was Harris round there.

The sounds Gibbs heard as he made his way round the darkened alley weren’t speech, or at least not in any language he could make out. He only spoke a few languages, only three fluently, but it wasn’t English, Russian or Spanish, so he couldn’t really translate it. A few of the tones sounded hostile, but the entire language sounded like a wrestler gargling with razor blades, it made German sound polite.

“Where is he?” A voice shouted out, this one Gibbs recognised as Harris’ voice. The guttural tones continued for a bit before Harris shouted again. “One last time, tell me where he is!”

Gibbs decided enough was enough, spinning round the corner he levelled his gun at the thing Harris was talking too and introduced himself. “Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS!” He shouted, noticing Xander on the opposite side of the creature cringe then roll his eyes.

The creature was huge, easily ten feet tall and built in a way that made most body builders look anorexic in comparison. The creature turned to face him and had a sword out that was longer than he was tall, the blade was etched with glowing blue runes and screamed ‘dangerous, stay the hell away!’

“Gibbs! What the hell are you doing?” Xander shouted from behind the creature.

“Backing you up!” Gibbs shouted back, never taking his eyes of the hulking monster in front of him. It was then he noticed the face, it didn’t have lips and had about four sets of teeth, each sharpened to a deadly point. Likewise it had four eyes, each glowing a sickly green colour and its bright red hair was tied neatly back in a ponytail that ran down its back out of view.

“And you think your ‘agent’ status is going to mean what to Keith?” Xander shouted, walking round close to the monster and standing between them, effectively cutting off Gibbs direct shot, he could still shoot over Xander and get a clear head shot though.

“Keith?” Gibbs asked incredulously, eying the creature warily before turning his gaze to Harris.

“Keith runs the protection in the city out of the new harbour; he’s the one you have to thank for keeping the demons away from the military here.” Xander explained. “If there’s any violence in the city, they have to answer to him and his clan, that’s why DC is kept as a neutral ground, no one fights here.”

“Right,” Gibbs replied, shaking his head as he tried to understand the rules of this new world. “And the dangerous demon you chased out here after sending Abby back to the car?”

Xander simply nodded to the ground where a steaming pile of blueing ooze was melting into the concrete. “Keith took care of it before I could get here; it was a La’shock demon, feeds on the electricity in human brains.”

“You kill other demons?” Gibbs asked up to the hulking demon behind Xander. He was rewarded by another bout of the guttural speak that sounded vaguely like something he’d heard on a sci-fi movie one late night.

“He says only when they break the truce in the city.” Xander translated for him. “Now, if you don’t mind I’d like to get back to my chat, if that’s alright with you?” Xander asked sarcastically, watching as Gibbs slowly put down his weapon and held it at his side, obviously still not comfortable with the situation. “Thank you.”

Gibbs stepped back slowly, watching as Xander talked to ‘Keith’ for a few more minutes away from him, Xander was whispering but the guttural tones of ‘Keith’ could be heard clearly echoing through the alley, even though he couldn’t translate it he could tell that ‘Keith’ was angry at something, but not at Xander, he could tell that from the demons body language.

“Thanks man, I’ll send you the usual.” Xander grinned, slapping the huge demon on the back before heading back to Gibbs. “He confirmed what Lorne said, someone moved into the warehouse district last week, kicked out the rest of the demons there and has been holed up ever since.”

“The usual?” Gibbs asked with a raised eyebrow, etching every detail of ‘Keith’s’ hulking form into his head in case he ever needed to describe him to anyone, not that anyone would believe him anyway, this entire night was turning into something he’d expect from a bad fantasy TV show or something.

“Blue jello,” Xander grinned. “He can’t exactly go shopping for it, and his clan have developed quite a taste for it over the years.” Xander motioned to the ally before walking off back to the van.

“You’re telling me,” Gibbs nodded back to where the huge demon had disappeared to after catching up with Xander. “They eat blue jello?”

“Everyone loves blue jello,” Xander grinned for a second before laughing loudly as the two made their way back to the van.

“I don’t believe this,” Gibbs muttered under his breath, suppressing the urge to laugh along with Xander, it was too strange not to be true.

“Come on, we’ll call it a night, we can check out the warehouse tomorrow during the day, that way we don’t have to deal with the vamps.” Xander explained as Gibbs opened the back doors to the van. “Hey gang.”

“That was so cool!” Abby grinned at him from her seat in the van. “We have to come back some time.”

“Maybe,” Xander grinned at her, taking off his coat and throwing it on the floor before picking up his ID and gun. Checking the chamber quickly for a round he double checked the safety before sliding it back into its holster and putting it on. “That’s it for tonight kids, warehouse for tomorrow.”

“What’s with the ID’s?” Tony asked, unable to keep his curiosity any longer, he’d had a quick flick through Xander’s ID wallet while they were all in the club, amazed at the amount of clearance Xander had.

“What about them?” Xander asked, eying Tony carefully while attaching the ID clip to his belt and checking he had his normal wallet in the back of his jeans along with all his blades and stakes.

“You have more clearance than god,” Kate smiled at him, causing Abby and Gibbs to look at them both before turning to look at Xander for an explanation. “Half of those, I don’t even know what they’re for. I recognised the GB-20 and the HD-63, those are the same as top level secret service, and along with weapon permits for every gun known to man and a few that I don’t even want to ask about. There’s international carry permits along with a LK-1 ID.” Kate didn’t have to explain that one, everyone in the van turned to look at Xander with curiosity; even Gibbs seemed impressed by that one.

“You have an international licence to kill?” Gibbs asked, half amused by the prospect and half frightened that someone as young as Agent Harris had such clout behind him.

“Huh,” Xander nodded, glancing at his ID clip. “So that’s what all that alphabet soup stands for.” He grinned as Tony laughed while Gibbs and Kate shook their heads in amusement.

“What’s that?” Abby asked, still not completely aware of all the ID letters, numbers and what they stood for.

“It means Abs, that Harris here could kill Tony without any reprisal from any government on earth.” Gibbs smiled as Tony immediately stopped laughing.

“There’d be an investigation, right boss?” Tony asked, eying Gibbs carefully for any sign he was kidding. Gibbs just smirked at him before closing the doors and heading round to the front of the van. “Right boss?”

“I’ll follow you back to HQ,” Xander smiled at Gibbs before he got in the driver’s seat of the van.

“Wait up,” Abby called from the van before climbing out the back doors and locking them behind her. “Xander can drop me off at home first; I wanna know more about vampires.”

Xander laughed before leading her back to his car, while the van sped off with Tony and Kate obviously badgering Gibbs for information about what it was like in the club, Xander just had to laugh. This team were certainly his type of people; maybe he could bribe the Joint Chiefs into getting them on his payroll instead.

“So, who’s this Spike you were telling me about?” Abby asked as they climbed into Xander’s car. “And the Poof, who’s he?”

Xander’s car sped away with the sound of laughter coming from the driver’s seat while he explained what vamps were really like to Abby on the way back to her flat, in a way her enthusiasm reminded him of Willow, but she had a darker, more twisted sense of humour that reminded him of himself. She seemed interested by all sorts of demons, especially vampires and the darker sorts, then she started asking about witchcraft and magic he zoned out, concentrating on driving while she babbled on about what she thought magic was about and how knowing it was real affected her. Maybe he’d have to get Willow to come down here and explain it all to her, that would definitely solve a few problems for him. That and he couldn’t wait to see Tony’s face when faced with a lesbian witch, which would be a moment to cherish forever.
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