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3 Weeks Later

It hadn't taken them long to get used to it at all, and more nights of the week than not found them together at her place or his. Their friendship had always been full of teasing and laughter and now as lovers the teasing took on whole new layers.

They were very discrete at the office, both wanting to keep their new status private. They thought they had been successful, but Gibbs knew. He knew the first Monday morning after as a matter of fact. It wasn't in anything they did overtly, they hadn't driven in to work together, or held hands, or said anything. It was just in their eyes when they looked at each other, and Gibbs had caught it the first time they were all in the lab at the same time.

Gibbs kept the knowledge to himself. They were adults, and they were adults that had known each other a long time, as long as they kept it out of the office there wouldn't be a problem.


Sixteen days after their first time came the "Great Condom Incident", as Abby dubbed it, she even wrote "GCI" in big letters on the calender hanging in her kitchen. They had gone clubbing and mauled each other in Abby's front hallway. Neither had wanted to wait the length of time it would have taken Abby to get her diaphragm and they used the condom from Abby's purse solo.

Tony and Abby were not new at the game, and they always played safely although they had been discussing the idea of a blood test and trust. Truth be told, the trust was already there and the blood test itself was more symbolic than anything, they both knew they were fine from their regular checks at work. It was just another step forward in their relationship, and that was what it was: a relationship. One that was full of support and caring, playfulness and bickering, sharing and compromise, and most importantly, love. The words hadn't actually been said yet, but they were always there in the room with them, both afraid to say them as if by saying them it would somehow all go away.

So when they lost themselves in each other in that hallway a little high on beer and adrenaline from the club and that condom let them down, neither really panicked.

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