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Author's Chapter Notes:
What IS wrong?????

Sorry for the short chapter
"oh my god this is soo exciting" Abby exclaimed running over to them
"Calm down Abbs"
"How can i Tony, this is our first NCIS baby!", ZIva smiled, then winced as another contraction came, she grasped Tony's hand and squeezed it until it was over
"Zi, do you think you could loosen your gri....." Tony saw Ziva icy stare "ooorrrr not"

"i got you a present" Abby said passing Ziva a big white box with dark purple ribbon binding it closed, ZIva lifted the lid and saw a little fabric doll with dark hair, and around 5 sets of clothes along with 1 baby sized outfit.
"I know you don't know the sex" Abby explained " But i think its a girl"

The Dr came back into the room and Abby left, taking up position on a chair outside the room, flicking through a book of baby names.

"Well Ms David your almost 8 cm dilated, we better get you into the delivery suite, Cindy, wheel her in"

Ziva tried to insist on walking but the nurse insisted not, they passed Abby on the way out.
"Good luck guys" SHe said giving them the thumbs up
"You know thats the rude finger in Iran?" Ziva commented smiling, Abby bit her lip "Well good luck guys, see ya soon, i'm gonna call everyone back at NCIS"

She flipped open her cell and dialed McGee's desk.

The nurse wheeled Ziva into a smallish room painted a nice green with white patterned curtains.

30 minutes later.....

"Ok Ms David, we need you to start pushing now" the doctor said " ok?"
"okay" Ziva replied

Ziva pushed squeezing Tony's hand like a stress ball, Tony stroked her hair, looking into her determined dark brown eyes.

"Ok The baby is crowning, a few more good push...." The Dr stopped mid-sentence, then urgently sent a string of medical terms to the intern beside her who rushed out of the room.

"Whats wrong?" Ziva uttered in a distressed Tone
"We think the cord might be wrapped around the baby's neck, we need to deliver it now, it's too late for a c-section"

Ziva had tears running down her face, not sad tears but worried and scared tears.
"Come on Zi, you can do this"
"Easy for you to say" she retorted

Finally the baby was born and Ziva leant back against Tony in exhaustion
"is it ok?" Ziva whispered to him
"Don't worry, it'll be ok"

"We're Sorry Ms David and Mr DInozzo but we had to take your daughter straight to ICU, she is having trouble breathing, but I'm sure she'll pull through and you can see her soon" The Dr said
"Its a girl?" Tony said
"Yes" She said and turned away following the nurse's and their Tony and Ziva's baby out of the room.

A nurse came and cleaned Ziva up and wheeled her towards a private room.
"Hey ZIva, whats up, whats the matter" Abby asked running up to them" Is she ok?"
Tony held his hand up to abby and continued to walk along beside Ziva's moving bed.
"Tony, When can we see her" Ziva requested letting her small soft hands be held by Tony's large warm ones.
"I dunno Ziva, soon" Tony replied, feeling terrified inside "Now we know he's a girl, what do you think we should call her?"
"I do not know, but i really want her middle name to be Tali, after my little sister"
"that sounds beautiful, i have a few ideas for first names"
"What are they?"
"Akeisha, Claudia, Ava, Eva, Vivienne, Zoe, Ariel, Lola and Alya"
"Thats a lot of names Tony, we only have one baby"
"I know, what do you think?"
"i Don't really like Eva or Zoe, i don't know about Ariel but the rest are nice"

At that very minute the Dr came into the room.
"How is she" tony asked immediately
"The cord was wrapped quite tightly around her neck when she was born but we were able to undo it shortly after birth and since then we have stabilized her breathing pattern, would you like us to bring her in to you?"
"yes please" ZIva replied anxiously

the nurse wheeled in a small crib where a small yellow bundle was squirming around. Tony went over to the crib and gently lifted out his little daughter, and looked down at her pink little face. She had Green eyes, like his but brighter, but a face like Ziva's and a small amount of thick dark hair.

then he passed her over to Ziva who smiled as she pulled the soft blankets away from her pink little face.
"Do you think she fits any of the names you suggested?"
"Yeah i think she looks like a ..................
Chapter End Notes:
A chapter full of suspense!! :D
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