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Chapter Eleven: The Best Days

"Almost... There! Perfect!"

"Talking to yourself again Tony?"

Ziva asked with a smirk as she glanced over at her partner.

"Maybe. That a problem, Zee-vah?" He asked as he leaned back in his chair, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"No," Ziva decided, eyeing his sandwich. "No, talking to yourself is not a problem, but your eating habits are. What is that?"

"What? You mean this?" He asked, holding his sandwich up. "This is only the best sandwich ever."

"It certainly does not look very good," she cringed, watching him take another bite of the toasted slimy mess that he called a sandwich.

"It's a toasted peanut butter and banana sandwich," McGee explained, cocking an eyebrow at his lover before turning back to Ziva. "But consider yourself lucky. At home, he likes to dip them in tomato soup. He's been craving that like crazy."

"That is disgusting," Ziva said, looking away from Tony as he finished his meal.

"No way!" Tony exclaimed. "It's delicious! Ask the King, it was his favorite too."

"The King?" The Israeli questioned. "I did not realize you were so well connected, Tony. The King of where?"

"Wh...You're kidding, right? THE King? You seriously...? You've been in America for HOW long? You still have so much to learn."

Ziva narrowed her eyes at her friend for a moment before she turned back to her computer screen.

The sound of the elevator dinging caught the three agents' attention. Glancing over, Tony watched as Abby bounced out of the elevator and headed into the bullpen, her heavy soled boots clomping across the carpeted floor.‬‪

"Mmm...I see you're eating your new favorite food again!" She grinned, stepping behind Tony's desk and plopping herself onto his lap gently. "Gonna share?"

"Sure thing, Hot Stuff!" He said, wrapping an arm around her back and offering her the sandwich.

Ziva watched in disgust as Abby took a bite. "Disgusting," she muttered to herself with a shake of her head.

Giggling quietly at Ziva, Abby handed the sandwich back to Tony before she rested her hand on his stomach. "What time are you going?" She asked excitedly.

"We're leaving in thirty," McGee said.

"You have to come see me as soon as you get back," she ordered. "And I want pictures of my little niece."

"It could be a boy," McGee reminded her.

"No way. Tony's totally having a girl."

"How can you be so certain?" Ziva asked.

"Because I know these things," Abby responded cryptically. "She's going to be the prettiest thing too. And she'll have the coolest clothes. Did you know that my favorite store has just started a line for babies? I bought the cutest little--"

"DNA swabs, Abs?" Gibbs asked as he rounded the corner by McGee's desk, cocking an eyebrow at the sight of his Goth perched on his senior field agent's lap.

"What? No. Ew, Gibbs. Who would buy DNA swabs for a baby?"

He stared at her blankly.

"Oh! You mean..." she offered him a sheepish smile. "I'm running them now."

"Uh huh. McGee, you finished running that background?"

"Just finishing up now boss."

"Good. When you're done, the two of you can go."

"Don't forget my pictures!" Abby ordered as she leaned forward, kissing Tony on the cheek. "And I expect a full report on how my niece is doing!" She smirked, grinning when she felt a slight flutter against her hand. "See? She already loves her aunt Abby."

"Actually, that was me," Tony grinned sheepishly. "The peanut butter and banana sandwich isn't sitting well with the left over pizza I had for breakfast."

Wrinkling her nose in disgust, Abby punched his shoulder gently before she pushed herself to her feet.

"I certainly hope she doesn't inherit your eating habits, Tonyboy."


"Whatcha thinking about?" McGee asked, watching as Tony shifted on the examination table uncomfortably. They had been sitting in the exam room for about 10 minutes, waiting for the doctor to come in and do their ultrasound.

The dark-haired man rubbed his growing stomach absently, smiling at his lover. "Just a little nervous, I guess. Never thought I'd be here."

"Regretting it?"

"What?" Tony grabbed McGee's hand and placed it on his stomach where their baby proceeded to kick lightly. "Regret that? Nope."

"Good afternoon," Dr. Simmons greeted, walking into the room and closing the door behind her. She smiled brightly at the two men, taking her seat next to the ultrasound machine. "How has everything been going, Tony? You look good."

"Everything's been fine."

"You've been feeling good then?"

"For the most part. A little tired though."

"That's normal. Have you been eating okay?"

McGee snorted at the question, earning himself a scowl from his lover. "Sorry."

"I've been eating fine."

"Hm," Dr. Simmons paused, checking the file in her hand. "You're actually a little under the weight we want you to be at."

"How the heck is that even possible?" McGee asked, ignoring Tony's hiss of indignation. "He eats the most fattening foods constantly."

"Wow, thanks McTattleTale," Tony scowled.

Dr. Simmons chuckled quietly as she patted Tony's arm. "It's okay sweetheart. I'll save the lecture for another time. You guys ready to get a good look at the little one?"

Leaning forward in his chair, McGee reached for Tony's hand, linking their fingers together as he pulled his shirt up.

"Now this is going to be a little cold," Dr. Simmons warned, giving Tony a smile.

"I'm ready."

Nodding, she squirted the gel onto Tony's stomach.

Tony hissed slightly, narrowing his eyes as McGee laughed quietly.

"Sorry," he muttered as he tried to cover it a cough despite the smile on his face.

Dr. Simmons smiled at the two men as she placed the wand on Tony's stomach. "Okay, let's see what we have here."

Tony fell silent as he watched, trying to ignore the sting of tears behind his eyes as he looked at their baby on the screen.

"Everything looks perfect," Dr. Simmons announced. "And this little one is in the perfect position to tell the gender. Do you want to know the sex?"

"Yes," they said simultaneously.

"Congratulations. You're having..."


The elevator doors opened with a ding before the Goth stepped out. She peered into the squad room, frowning when she didn't spot her spikey haired friend.

"Well crap," she frowned as she made her way to the bullpen, her heavy boots thumping loudly against the floor.

"Hello again Abby," Ziva greeted with a smile. "I told you I would call you when they got back."

"I didn't know if you'd forgotten," Abby said unapologetically with a shrug. "Where's Gibbs?"

"With the Director."

"Hmm." Frowning slightly, Abby rounded Tony's desk and sank down into the chair. "I'll wait."

Ziva eyed her raven haired friend for a moment, hesitating slightly before she spoke. "Abby..."

"Hm?" She asked absently as she pulled open the bottomdrawer of Tony's desk, smirking at the collection of GSM magazines.

"What is this American tradition of giving a baby a shower?"


"I do not understand why a person would give an infant a shower! That cannot be safe, and yet the baby websites that McGee has been visiting have all mentioned it!"

"Giving an infant a...? Oh! A baby shower! It's not a *real* shower. It's like a party before the baby is born."

"Oh. Well why is it not just called a party then?" Ziva asked, wrinkling her nose in confusion. "Perhaps we should have one for Tony, yes?"

Abby paused and looked up at Ziva. "Why didn't I think of that?! That's a great idea!"

Ziva beamed proudly as she sat a little straighter at her desk. "We can have it at my apartment. They are usually meant to be a surprise?"

"Yes," Abby said with a smile as she stood up and launched herself across the bullpen. Throwing her arms around the Israeli, Abby hugged her tightly.

Ziva patted the Goth's back awkwardly as she laughed nervously before she pulled away. "Perhaps next weekend would be a good time? We are not on call."

"Next weekend is perfect! Oh man, there's so much to do!" Straightening, Abby hurried to the elevator, muttering to herself as she made plans. "Oh!" Stopping, she turned back to Ziva.

"I will call you as soon as they get back," she said with a smile.


"You think Abby's going to be disappointed?" McGee asked as they crossed the parking lot, his hand resting gently against his lover's lower back.

"Nah," Tony responded dismissively, grinning brightly at his partner. "What about you?" He asked as they reached the car. Turning around, he leaned against the door. "Are you disappointed?"

"Are you kidding?" McGee laughed, resting his hand against his lover's stomach. "I wouldn't have been disappointed either way," he said as he leaned over, pressing his lips to Tony's.

Pulling away, the older man's grin brightened just a bit. "Well I'm not gonna lie. I'm relieved."

"Why?" McGee asked, chuckling quietly as he reached around Tony to unlock the door.

"Because! I'd be fired the minute some boy started sniffing around my little girl! Trust me, it's much better this way."

"Yeah, but what are you going to do when he starts sniffing around someone else's little girl?" McGee teased.

"Take him out for ice cream?"

McGee barely suppressed a snort as he pulled Tony's door open. "Let's go."

"Can we stop for lunch before we go back?" Tony asked hopefully as he sank down into the seat with a groan.

McGee cocked an eyebrow at him.

"You heard Dr. Simmons! I'm underweight," Tony reminded him smugly, barely resisting the urge to stick out his tongue.

"Fine. But no pizza. And no toasted peanut butter and banana sandwiches either!"


"A little BOY?" Abby squealed from where she was perched on Tony's lap. "Oh man! That is going to be one good looking kid!"

Tony grinned proudly, one hand resting on his stomach while the other held Abby in place. "So I guess you're not disappointed?"

"Are you kidding me? The boys clothes on my favorite website are so much cooler than the girls! Do I get to keep these?" She asked, plucking the pictures from McGee's hands.


"You're the best," she grinned, pressing a kiss to Tony's cheek.

"Have you decided on any names yet, Tony?" Ziva asked.

"Well, not really. But since we're having a boy and all--"

"No," McGee said with a shake of his head. "Not happening, Tony. No."

"--I was thinking we could name him Magnum," Tony finished, ignoring McGee.

Abby giggled quietly. "Timmy just shut you down!"

"Yeah okay. He says that now but we both know what I want is what I'll get," Tony snorted.

"You are not naming our son 'Magnum'!"

"No? Hmm. We could always name him after the boss man," Tony snickered. "Leroy Jethro McGee DiNozzo."

He was not expecting the headslap.

"Oh! Hey boss! I didn't... See you back there," Tony cringed as he spun in his chair to offer his boss a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, I figured that DiNozzo. Try again," he smirked.

"Gibbs! Tony and Timmy are having a boy!" Abby squealed as she jumped off Tony's lap and launched herself into her lover's arms, waving the picture at him.

"Abby," Gibbs warned, cocking an eyebrow at her. "You got those results for me yet?"

"Well... No, not yet. But Gibbs! They're having--"

"Heard you the first time. Results. Now. Go."

Abby scowled at her lover for a moment. "You are no fun!" She pouted, though she grinned a second later.

Turning back to Tony, Abby leaned over and pecked his cheek. "I'll see you later," she promised.

"You got it," he said with a grin as he leaned back in his chair.

"McGee! David! Back to work!" Gibbs barked before turning back to Tony. "DiNozzo..."

"Yeah boss?"



Glancing up at the sound of the elevator dinging, Abby turned to the doorway of her lab, smiling as Gibbs walked in.

"I'm almost done," she promised as she turned back to her computer.

"Uh huh. I know." He said no more as he placed a Caf-Pow on the table beside her and pecked her cheek. "Love you."

Abby offered him a bright smile as her fingers flew over the keyboard. "Love you too. You guys all finished up?"

"Ziva's finishing up now. Figured I'd wait around for you."

"Sounds good to me," she smiled. She typed a few more things before she powered down her computer. "There. All done."


"Yep. Let me grab my bag and we'll go," she smiled as she headed to her office.

Gibbs leaned against the table casually, his eyes scanning the room.

He spotted the sonogram picture Tony had given Abby taped to the computer monitor. A slight smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as his thoughts drifted back to a similar picture tucked away in an old box in his closet.

"You ready?" Abby asked as she came back out, linking her arm through his.

"Yeah... Yeah I think I am."
Chapter End Notes:
A/N: Wow you guys! I am *so* sorry for all the emails that must have gone out when I tried to put up the last chapter! I have no idea what happened, but apparently, did NOT want Tony to meet the parents! Haha. A huge thank you to Kelley for helping me get this chapter out and for taking the time to get the last chapter straight for me! You're the best girl!

Okay, now comes the part where I whine. Haha. Forgive me, please. Thank you to those of you who are reviewing, but it's making me kind of sad that the amount of reviews I've gotten has dropped off! :( Is the quality of the chapters going down and you guys are protesting by not reviewing? LOL You guys are amazing, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me when my phone lights up signaling a new review, so make my day, huh?! I have something special in store ;)

Alright, now that I'm done throwing a hissy, I'm going to attempt to post the chapter. Fingers crossed, y'all! :)
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