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Author's Chapter Notes:
"Now stand up and fall."
“Here, I’ll give you a leg up.” Tony offered, and Kate accpeted. He gave her a boost into the tree. Tony quickly followed after her. “I’ll stay below you, There is no possible way of you getting hurt with me as your safety net.”

“Ok.” Kate began to climb, slowly, and unsure of her self.

“That one there. You’re doing great Kate.” Tony encouraged all the way up. Kate quickly stole a glance up, and froze. They were so high up. “Kate, what’s wrong?” Tony asked, sensing her fear.

“We’re... we’re so high up.” she stamered.

“Hey, it’s okay.” Tony reassured. “Sit down for a sec.” Kate did, grasping the tree, her knuckles white.

“Now,” Tony began. “why would you ask me to climb a tree with you if you knew you were just going to get stcuk halfway up?”

“I... I wanted to.. to get over my fear.” Kate explained. “Not doin’ a v..v..very good jbo of t...th..that now am I?”

“No, you’re not. But I have an idea.” Tony said, he back tracked a few branches, he was about two feet below her. “Now, stand up and fall.” Tony commanded.


“You heard me.”

“Why the hell would I do that?” Kate asked.

“Because, the only way you’re going to beat this fear is if you know your safe. Now fall.” Tony commanded again.

Kate took a deep breath, and considered her options. If she falls, and Tony catches here, she would probably get over my fear. If she doesn’t fall, she’ll never beat this fear. And if she falls and Tony didn’t catch her... she didn’t want to think about that. Finally she decided. Slowly, she let go of the branch and fell. And, sure enough, Tony caught her.

“Oh, my...” Kate trailed off.

“See, I told you you wouldn’t fall.” Tony smiled triumphantly. “Now, let’s climb to the top, I’m dying to see what it looks like up there.” ANd so they did. Thy talked along the way. Joking and laughing until they finally made it to the top.

“It’s beautiful.” Kate whispered. She and Tony were sitting on branches at the top of the tree. The sun was just setting, and already stars could be seen.

“Yeah, it is.” Tony agreed.

“I could spend forever up here.” Kate stated as she stared out over the horizon. “You can see the town from up here.”

“How high up do you think we are?” Tony asked turning to look at her.

“Ninety or so feet. This is a pretty tall tree.” Kate guessed.

“ANd you’re not scared?”

“No. I’m not.” Kate stated in disbelief. “Tony, you cured me.”


“Thanks.” Kate said quietly. “This is probably the best birthday present I have ever gotten.”

“Really?” Tony asked.

“Yeah.” Kate leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Tony replied, a little shocked. Caitlin Todd had just kissed him.

“We should probably get back.”

“Yeah.” Tony agreed.

They climbed back down in sclience. When they fianlly reached the bottom and walked back to the house it was 2200. Everyone was already in bed. They both said their goodnights and went their seperate ways. At 2300, when Tony was pretty sure Kate was asleep, he crept across the hall and into her bedroom. Sneaking over to where she layed on the floor, he knelt down, tucked her in tighter, and kissed her cheek. “Merry Christmas Kate.” He whispered, and went back to bed.
Chapter End Notes:
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