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Author's Chapter Notes:
The trail begins, will Gibbs be granted custody?
The days before the trail flew by and soon it was court day. Nichole called a few days after their meeting saying that Kate would be able to bring JJ to the trail with here. 

And then the trail day was upon them. Everyone was up by five that morning to get ready. They were all dressed in suits and skirts, Abby, of course, in all black. They were at the courthouse at 7 o'clock, Kelly half asleep, the others drinking coffe. 

"Kate, sleep, you need it." Tony told her as they sat on a bench.

"I don't need it, Tony, I'm fine." She argued.

"Kate, I know you slept at most an hour last night. Come on, sleep." Tony argued.

"If I lay down, then will you be happy?" She asked.

"No, if you lay your hard on my shoulder and try to sleep then I'll be happy."

"Fine." She layed her head on his shoulder and, to her disbelief, fell alseep.

Kate woke up to JJ nuzzling her leg. It was 7:50 and they all headed into the courtroom. Tony, Ziva, Abby, Mcgee, and Kate were seated in a special area on the left side of the room. Kate sat on the end of the area with JJ sitting next to her on the floor. Gibbs sat at a table with Nichole, and Ducky and Kelly sat in the audience. The judge entered the court promptly at eight o'clock and the trail began.

"I am Judge Harris. I am running this court. Plaease do not give me a reasonto kick you out. Now, opening statements."

Both the prosicuter, Harry, and the defendent, Nichole, made their opening statements. Then, Harry called Tony to the stand.

"So, Trevor, how old are you?" He started.

"Me and my twin are both fourteen, so are the triplets." Tony replied.

"I see. Now, what was your life with the Weavers like?" 

"They were abusive." Toy answered.

"Can you elaberate?"

"Mr. Weaver who was the one who was  basically in charge of us, threatened us. Saying that is we didn't get all A's in school, we'd be beaten, if we were late, beaten, anything we did wrong ended up with a beating."

"I see. Now, how about now, with Mr. Gibbson."

"Life's great. Mr. Gibbson is like a real father to us. I feel safe around him, plus I live with my best friends. I know that if we are ever seperated again, it would kill us."

"Do you know that for a fact, or are you just being over dramatic?"

"I know this for a fact."


"I'll let Kat answer that question." Tony answered not saying anything else on the subject.

"Nothing further."

"Trevor, you said that life was great with Mr. Gibbson, becase of who you live with. What about Mr. Gibbson, what is your impression of him?" Nichole asked.

"Well, like I said, Mr. Gibbson is like a real father to me, not a foster father. I mean, I'm a guy, I'm not gonna say anything all mushy gushy, but I have a nice life here. It's safe."

"Thank you, nothing further." Nichole went back and sat down.

Harry stood up and said, "The people rest, your honor."

"You may step down, Trevor." The judge said, and Tony quickly walked back over to the others. 

"The defense calls Zoey to the stand." Nichole said, and Zoey followed Tony's lead and went and sat at the stand. "Now, Zoey, you are fourteen correct."


"And when did you turn fourteen?"

"July seventeenth." 

"So when Mr. Weaver reaped you, you were only thirteen, correct?"

"Yes." Zoey replied after hesitation.

"Zoey, I know it's hard, but could you please describe you're rape?"

"Objection, relevance?" Harry asked. 

"The jury needs to see what her life was like before she went to live with Mr. Gibbson." Nichole explained.

"Okay, Zoey please answer the question." Judge Harris commanded.

After a long moment Ziva began, "On the day that I had my Math final, I came home to tell Mr. Weaver that I got a C. He was furious. He grabbed me by my arm, and pulled me upstairs. Trevor chased after us, demanding to know what Mr. Weaver was doing. Mr. Weaver didn't answer, but told his wife to care of Trevor, and she knocked him out. Mr. Weaver brought me into his bed room and stripped menof my clothing. He forced me onto the bed and handcuffed me to the headboard. He then removed his… privets from his pants and raped me." 

"And you're life with Mr. Gibbson." 

"I feel safe around Mr. Gibbson. I know that he won't hurt me. Like Trevor said, he's like our real father. I like living with him."

"Thank you Zoey. " Nichole had nothing else to say, and helarry didn't have any questions for her, so she went back and took her seat next to Mcgee.

"We will take a recess for lunch and rejoin in the court room at 2:00. Court dismissed."

"Come on Kat." Tony said after the judge bangged his gavel.

"Trevor, can I have some coffee?" Kate asked half asleep.

"Yes, Kat, yes you can." Toy replied smiling leading Kate out of the courtroom.
Chapter End Notes:
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