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Chapter Five

Gibbs heard someone coming down the stairs and then that someone entered the living room. He raised the poker, intent on stopping the intruder. When he saw the intruder was Tony, he lowered the poker.

Tony had his hand over his chest and said, “Geez, Jet, you scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry, didn’t know it was you.”

“You remember me now?”

“Mostly. Thought I covered pretty well earlier. Didn’t think anyone noticed my memory wasn’t really back as well as I let on.”

“That must have been one of the things you forgot about me. I know you,” Tony said.

“I know that now.”

“I was in the bedroom. I saw the duffle bag on the bed. Were you planning on leaving?”

“Was thinking about it,” Gibbs replied sheepishly.

“Let’s sit down and talk,” Tony said. “This is turning into one of our serious discussions.”

They went over to the sofa and sat close together.

Gibbs looked at Tony and asked, “Where’s my ring?”

Tony reached into his pocket and pulled it out and handed it to Gibbs. “Before the paramedics got there, I took it off your finger. Didn’t want it to get lost.”

Gibbs took the ring and placed it on his finger. “Thanks.” Once the ring was back on his finger, he felt a sense of completion come over him.

They were silent for a few minutes, then Tony said, “That was pretty bad, what happened earlier in MTAC.”

Gibbs just grunted in response.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that angry before,” Tony continued.

“You weren’t there when I found out about Shannon and Kelly.”

“If I could give them back to you, I would,” Tony said.

“I know that, Tony. That’s one of the things I love about you.” Gibbs changed the subject. “Where were you when I was in the hospital? If I had seen you, I might have remembered sooner. Maybe all this could have been avoided.”

“I did come and see you, but you were still out of it. Then I had to run the investigation. When Shepard upset you so badly, the doctors banned all visitors except people you remembered, which left me out.”

“Idiots. Always think they know what’s best for everybody. Once I woke up, why did
Shepard of all people come and see me?” Gibbs and Shepard had quite a volatile relationship, given their previous involvement. He’d remembered that much while he was still in the hospital.

“I told her it wasn’t a good idea. I don’t know if you remember or not, but she doesn’t listen to me.”

“I remember more about her than I want to,” Gibbs chuckled. “You’re my medical proxy and next of kin, you should have been the last person they banned from seeing me.”

“The doctor kept me informed over the phone, but he was adamant about no visitors after they had to sedate you when you got so upset.”

“Shepard’s an idiot.”

“No argument there.”

They sat in silence for a while

Tony finally said, “God, I was so worried about you, Jet.”

“I’m sorry, Tony. I’m fine now. Just a little sore,” Gibbs said. Trying to lighten the mood, he then asked, “I let you call me Jet?”

Tony let Gibbs change the subject, sensing that he was still a little shaky. “Well, you didn’t want me to call you Gibbs or Boss when we were in bed, and when I called you Jethro for the first time, I started to laugh and hum the theme from ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’, so we compromised.”

Gibbs thought about it and then remembered that conversation. It had definitely put a damper on the consummation of their relationship when Tony started laughing when he said Jethro. “I remember now,” He said, laughing.

“I thought you had your memory back.”

“I said mostly,” Gibbs said. “Tony, as soon as possible, we’re gonna go to a lawyer and get papers drawn up so something like this never happens again.”

Tony was puzzled. “Like what never happens again?”

“I don’t think it’s right that you were kept from me because I had amnesia. And I know I wouldn’t have wanted to be kept from you if you were hurt or couldn’t remember me.”

“You’re right. I definitely wanted to be with you when you needed me so much, but is that even possible?”

“We’ll make it possible,” Gibbs said with certainty.

Tony changed the subject. “Were you really gonna leave?”

Gibbs could hear the hurt in Tony’s voice. “I didn’t remember what we had together at first. I remembered you, but I couldn’t remember how we met. I knew I could trust you, but I couldn’t remember why.”

“But you’re not planning on leaving now?”

“No, Tony. I made a promise to you and I intend to keep that promise.” Gibbs then said, “I want it all back. Make love with me, please?”

“You sure about that, Jet? You just got out the hospital.”

“I’m sure. Like I told you before, I’m just a little sore.”

Tony suddenly got up from the sofa and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” Gibbs called after Tony.

“Don’t worry. I’m just making sure the door’s locked. I wouldn’t put it past Abby to stop by, even though I told her not to. I’m not the only one who was worried about you,” Tony replied as he locked the door. Then he returned to the sofa.

“She’s the one with the pigtails who dresses weird?”

Tony replied, “Don’t ever tell Abby you don’t remember her. You’ll really hurt her feelings.”

“I do remember her, sort of. Some things are still a little fuzzy. Now, enough talk. I think we have something more important to do.”

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