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Chapter 10

The next few days back at NCIS were, well, weird. The major MCRT was not in operation. Gibbs, Tim, and Kate were all on a week’s leave. Ducky was working, but only half days, and at limited capacity. Jimmy acting as his hands until his own healed completely. This left Tony without a team. He walked in and put his backpack down by his desk. And, judging from the looks he was getting, his big secret was not so secret anymore. He sighed and ignored the stares and comments. He had someplace he really, really needed to be.

The music was off, which only meant one thing. Abby was NOT happy. She heard him come in and turned to glare at him.

“Abby.” Tony started.

Abby turned her back to him, pretending to be busy.

“Abby…?” Tony pleaded.

“I thought we were friends.” Abby started, turning back around to face him.

“We are friends….” Tony said, trying to hug Abby. She backed away.

“You know how I feel about lying, Tony.” Abby replied. “I have a rule about it, number one, actually.”

Tony nodded. “I know. But it wasn’t exactly a lie, Abby.”

Abby crossed her arms and just glared, waiting for him to explain himself.

“It was more like an omission.”

“It was an ENORMOUS omission.” Abby declared.

“Granted...” Tony agreed. “…but how would that conversation have gone, Abby?”

Abby didn’t respond, so Tony continued.

“What if I asked you, guess what I’ve been doing, for the past few years, on my weekends off?”

Abby folded her arms over her chest and waited for Tony to continue.

“If I had told you I had been working as an ER doctor at Bethesda would you have believed me?”

Abby was brutally honest. “No, Tony.” Abby said, shaking her head. “I wouldn’t have believed you.” She then went over to Tony and hugged him. “But let’s not forget. I am one of the few people who knows how smart you really are. I just wonder where you find the time. We both know how Gibbs gets when you guys are working a really hard case. You have NO time off, whatsoever. How did you fit it all in?” Abby asked.

“Can you forgive me?” Tony asked.

“Nothing to forgive, Tony.” Abby stated. She looked Tony in the eye. “I just need my friends to be honest with me.” Abby paused. “And by the way, I bet your an awesome doctor.”

Tony nodded and smiled.


“So….what?” Tony asked.

“Tell me about it.” Abby stated. “Blood and guts and all.” Abby thought for a second. “Okay, maybe not all that much guts….and just a little blood.” Abby said, making a face.

“Abby, you work with blood and body fluids all the time.”

“Yeah, Tony. But I only get the little sample you send.” Abby stated. “It’s different to see it all connected, still part of the body.”

Tony nodded. “Okay…the non-gory version, got it.”

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