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Chapter 13

"Have a seat, Agent DiNozzo." Director Vance offered. He had heard the scuttlebutt and had really not believed it. He had been on vacation the entire last week. It was the first bit of news that had hit him when he walked in NCIS this morning.

Vance shook his head. "I…I'm at a loss of words here, Agent DiNozzo." Vance admitted. "And that doesn't happen to me very often."

"It's true." Tony stated.

"That's good to know." Vance admitted. "I…I took it upon myself to check your personnel file this morning."

Tony shook his head. "It's not in there."

"May I ask why?"

"I wouldn't have gotten this job. First of all, when would I find the time to do both? Secondly, WHY would I take this job? Why, when I could work in a hospital in a much safer environment making, probably, three times more money?"

Vance nodded and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in his chair. "Sounds like good questions to me. Why?"

"Well," Tony started. "…I work at the hospital on weekends we are not on call here. The second question is just a little harder to answer. But it has never been about the money with either career. As long as I have enough money to get by, I'm fine. I know…." Tony said, knowing Vance was thinking about his expensive suits. "…I wear expensive clothes. But in all truth, I inherited the majority from my grandfather after he died. He had never even worn a lot of them. They still had the price tags on them."

Vance nodded, but didn't speak.

Tony continued. "I know you've met, or at least heard, of my father. I…every value he tried to instill in me involved a dollar sign. He had always said that everything, every person had a price, could be bought. I don't see things that way. I can't see this life being distilled into dollars and cents. I know…it probably sounds crazy."

Vance shook his head. "No, it sounds honest. And I did get that impression of your father."

Vance sat and studied Tony for a few moments. Tony was beginning to feel uncomfortable when Vance finally spoke.

"Anthony DiNozzo, MD. Huh? You work at Bethesda, right? On the weekends?" Vance asked. "Not much time for anything else."

Tony shook his head. "I know what you're saying. But the ER is my release valve for here. I get to help living people stay alive. I get to help them live their lives." Tony paused. "NCIS is my release valve for the ER. I get to find justice for people who died too soon or through no fault of their own."

Vance nodded it made sense, and it seemed Tony was handling it well. "So, how long HAVE you been moonlighting?"

Tony hesitated for just a moment. "Since I've been here."

Vance just looked at Tony for a moment. Vance was shocked. He had NO idea it had been…years. "Since you've been working at NCIS?"

Tony nodded.

Vance shook his head. He had no idea. And Tony's work had not suffered in the least. "Well, Agent/Doctor DiNozzo, I…You're right. You probably never would have been hired had 'the powers that be' known about the doctor part. But, You…" Vance shook his head. "…you're doing well here. You have been for so long. I'm sorry, Agent DiNozzo. I under…I formed an opinion of you, long before I knew all the facts. I allowed…other people's opinions to cloud my judgment. And for that, I am truly sorry."

Tony smiled and nodded, but didn't speak.

"Your employee evaluations have been remarkable." Vance said, referring to the folder in front of him. "I can see no reason for you not to continue your 'weekend job…'" Vance paused. "…as long as it doesn't interfere with NCIS business. No 'for free' medical advice."

Tony, again, smiled and nodded. "You're going to have to tell everybody else that. I've already been asked to look at some 'suspicious' moles." He said with air quotes.

It was Vance's turn to smile. "Consider it done." Vance stood and extended his hand. "Nice to meet you, Doctor DiNozzo." They then shook hands across Vance's desk.

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