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Chapter 38

“Um, Gibbs….” Tim started as soon as he saw Gibbs coming down the stairs from MTAC. It was now 3:15 a.m. And Tony and Kate were not there. They had been gone for 2 hours, much longer than Gibbs had expected.

“Where are Kate and DiNozzo?”

Tim shook his head. “Their cars are still here. I checked with security. The company car they check out is not. I did locate it though….”

“And….” Gibbs asked, trying to get him to come out with it. “…well, where is it?”

“It’s in BoomTown.” Tim stated.

Gibbs shook his head. BoomTown was actually a misnomer. It was an area in Baltimore that had suffered a severe economic downturn. And as a result, there were several city blocks that had been abandoned. Thus, it had become a haven for the gangs and drug dealers. Crime, violent crime, was rampant and police didn’t visit the area.

“Why did…?” What were they doing there?” Gibbs asked the questions out loud. He was not expecting answers. He was just voicing his thoughts.

“Gear up, McGee.” Gibbs said, heading towards the elevators. “Call the local LEOs and have them meet us.”

Tim nodded. His face full of concern as he obeyed Gibbs orders.

Gibbs clutched the cup of coffee he was holding, tightly. He almost crushed the cup and burned his hand. His gut was churning. There could only be two reasons his agents would not check in. They were in severe trouble, or they were dead. Add their current, presumed, location…it nearly pushed him over the edge.


END NOTES: BoomTown and its Baltimore association are mine. I normally don’t write chapters this short. But, it's setting up what will happen next.
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