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Gibbs lay on the bed, thinking about Amy sleeping with Stettler right now. He could not believe that she had gone that far to get to his personal files. There was a nock on the door, and Gibbs opened it.
“Gibbs. I really screwed up the investigation, but I do not care anymore, I just want to lay with you.” Amy said really fast before throwing herself at him.
“Amy, you need to breathe before you die from a lack of oxygen.” Gibbs said. Amy inhaled his scent, causing him to chuckle.
“Now start over, slowly” He told her, leading her to the bed, and putting pressure on her to sit down.
“He said that he loves me, and I tried to think of you being there instead to get rid of the nausea that I felt. I couldn’t do it. I cant sleep with him when you are so close.” She told him. “ I will drop the investigation.”
“Do you want to drop it?” Gibbs asked, knowing full well that she did not.
“No” She answered.
“Then we can work this out.” Gibbs said as his phone rang. Amy laid back and he answered it. “Yeah, Gibbs”
“Hey, I just got a call from Stettler. He is at Amy’s, and she just ran out of the house. She never returned. He called because he thought she came here.”
“She is right here, Horatio. She was feeling overwhelmed. She has a lot on her mind right now. Tell him that she needs fresh air” Gibbs said.
“Ok.” Horatio said. “Is she ok”
“She’s fine.” Gibbs answered and handed the phone to her. Amy took a deep breath.
“I have to tell him” She said.
“No, you don’t” Gibbs told her in a whisper.
“Yes, I do.” She said, and put the phone to her ear. “Horatio, Where are you?”
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