Gibbs was a very angry man not only at the people who took Tony from him from right under his nose but at him self how he had rejected Tony's confection. He had been in a augment with one of his ex wife and that had made him roweled up for the rest of the day.
He stilled remember the look of hurt on the younger mans face when he turned Tony down.
the look of hurt, Humiliation, loneliness and the longing in those beautiful green eyes which no longer shone had gone. It was later that day that he went to talk to Ducky who has been his friend for over 30 years.
After talking to the man he seemed saddened buy the upcoming news. "you know he cares deeply for you? at first he seemed like a lost puppy trying to find a place in our family. Then after sometime he was a lost boy who was trying to get attention from a man who he seemed to call a father.
Then at last it was the longing from a man who wanted a lover who he could trust and care for him without wanting anything in return."
Gibbs listened to what his old friend was saying he could tell that Tony had some feeling for him and that he has been out with McGee for a short while.
As far as he knew they only been up to the point of making love and cuddling each other from time to time.
About a year ago they had split up calming that they just wanted to be friends and that it just felt odd that they worked closely together and that they did not want that affecting their work.
Every one thought that was far and no one said anything afterwords everything went back to normal and that was that.
Now he is here stilling in the car on his way to resue Tony from the fate which he would not wish anyone.
He felt a tap on his shoulders and looked back to see that McGee was behind him "Boss i will only warn you once" the look in his eyes told Gibbs that this was something serious but he nodded "if you hurt Tony one more time then i will take him away from you and i will love him with all my heart and i will kill anyone who hurt him he does not need anymore hurt then he has already suffered"
shocked buy the sudden words that his normally timed agent spoke he spoke
as well "then why did you brake up?"
"well Tony was still trying to trust himself in a new relationship and that he had feelings for you. He did not want to tell me i figured it out after a few months of our relationship and told him if he really wants a go with you tell him how he feels but since you cruelly turned him down i might just take him back"
"No need McGee i will have my second chance at another go but i will be more careful of what i say around him" "YOU Better as i said hurt him again
and you will find your self on the wrong side of Timothy James McGee"
they had entered the building once they where sure that there was no one inside surcharging every room every inch till Ziva saw something that did not sit well with her.
"Come have a look at this" the men ran up to her to where she was pointing there was a bookshelf which looked out of place in this old room.
Gibbs looked at it "what your gut telling you Ziva?" he asked as he looked at the female. "it to obvious unless that is what they want to make us think that we would not look any more into it so i say" she did not have a chance to finish till McGee spoke "brake it down"
Author's Chapter Notes:
Tony has been missing for over five years since he was taken while on a Case.
Gibbs and the rest of the Gang refused to give up on him.
So what does it mean when a pear of twins come in with information on their missing member
Gibbs and the rest of the Gang refused to give up on him.
So what does it mean when a pear of twins come in with information on their missing member
Chapter End Notes:
Any characters do NOT belong to me this is purely for entertainment I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING APART FROM THE STORY PLOT.
I am also sorry if my spelling or grammar is bad and for the incorrect information i am giving this is my first story so yeah anyway i hope you enjoy this. :)
I am also sorry if my spelling or grammar is bad and for the incorrect information i am giving this is my first story so yeah anyway i hope you enjoy this. :)