I am so sorry for not updating this as soon as I would like to have done but I have been getting called into work so yeah... anyway this is the next chapter at last.
sorry about any spelling mistakes or poor grammar.
please leave comments if you so wish to.
Tony has been sleeping for most of the night while mumbling every now and again mostly in Italian but Gibbs could make out what Tony was saying things like Stop... or Please stop... or even don't hurt me you know things like that which made Gibbs want to grab hold of the smaller brown hard man and hold him not ever letting him go.
It was about 5am in the morning by the time anything other then Mumbling could be hard from Tony Gibbs looked down at Tony who's bright green eyes had open slowly but surely they were wide open.
"Tony?" "who... who...?" the bright green eyes turned to Gibbs who looked happy to see the young man was awake.
"Tony do you remember me?" "Me? Tony? Yes I am Tony... Birdie"
"yes you you are called Tony but do you remember who I am Tony I am Jethro Gibbs Don't you know who I am I am your boss?"
"You Gibbs? agent Gibbs? Police man Gibbs?" "yes yes I am Agent Gibbs"
By this time the doctors had come to do evaluational on Tony who had started to watch them from the corner of his eyes while his other eye kept the target on Gibbs.
After about two hours the doctors turned to Gibbs who had been watching them just like Tony was as well as haring for anything that he should be made aware of that they may not tell him.
"It would appear that Mr DiNozzo has memory loss... however there are parts in him which still remember objects and places from with in the last 10 years there are gaps which he might have wished to have forgotten."
"so that would be why he still remember me? what what about him being a agent as well?"
The doctor looked at him then tilted his head to where the door to Tony's room was.
"Do you really want him to remember the last 5-6 years have been like for him? Right now we can only help him by supporting him in trying to remember the earliest things.... like his mother? do you remember what her name was?"
Gibbs eyes brow raised slightly he could hear the name in the back of his head but he could not..... sighing he picked up his phone and rang McGee who almost at once picked up his phone talking on the other side.
"Yes boss?" "what the name of Tony's mother again?"
"the grate Gibbs forgetting something like names?"
"Dame it McGee just bloody tell me already I have a situation down here Tony cant remember much of his life the doctor and my self am going to try and make him remember by unlocking things like name and places he was like a child that sort of thing so don't muck around with me McGee"
There was a short snort on the other side and Gibbs was about to comment when he got a reply
"Rita Tangota Lady of Tangota Hall in Italy died at the age of 25 Tony was about 5 at the time as well the date was the 15th of June The father Aldo DiNozzo was aged 30 suspected to have been drunk at the time."
Gibbs held his phone next to his head holding in his anger that he had been holding counting to 10 he gripped the phone tightly once again.
"McGee I only asked for the mothers name.... however I would like to know how you know all this?"
Gibbs could almost see the Grin on the other side of the phone then there was a smirk or at lest he could imagine.
"Oh course when you become CLOSE then you tend to get told things like this and it is only my point to remember these things that MY dear Tony should feel like he can TRUST me then I REMEMBER them"
"McGee don't drive my patient here" "why I just told you how I know?" "Don't play dome with me"
"Alright.... Tony was sad and so I confronted him and since he was so SO SO UPSET I got it out of him he told me that he got a letter from his Bastard of a (Father) had sent him a letter tell him that he had to return home..."
Gibbs grip had tighten even more all this was happening under his nose?
"Anyway Director sorted things out for Tony and that was it"
Sighing Gibbs turned his phone of without warning and he could just hear the "Wait ahh he hanging up on me"
This got Gibbs to laugh slightly yes he had one on McGee pushing his hands though his silvery-gray hair he watched as the doctor had already turned to the room which had Tony in.
Gibbs walked in that direction sighing once again he watched though the window glass after sipping his coffee Gibbs thought of all the ways he had to bring Tony back to his normal state of mind.
Taking his last gulp of the Coffee in his hands he thought turned to who could help him.... (who was not McGee)
Then it hit him...
Yes Time to bring in Abby Sciuto
Taking his phone in his hands he dialing the number in he pressed the phone to his ear..
"this is Abby talking Gibbs"
"Abby Find any research you can find on Tony and his family history... oh don't tell McGee either"
"wait what!!! why? oh never mind Abby out"
With that Gibbs walked into the room which held his pride and joy his Tony and he would do anything within his power to make him remember him.
Ok that the chapter again feel free to post a comets and let me know so yeah... hope this chapter was alright and the chapter length was right as I know that some people don't like a very long chapter page yet some don't like a short one either so I hope I meat half way in between.
:) :)
Author's Chapter Notes:
Tony has been missing for over five years since he was taken while on a Case.
Gibbs and the rest of the Gang refused to give up on him.
So what does it mean when a pear of twins come in with information on their missing member
Gibbs and the rest of the Gang refused to give up on him.
So what does it mean when a pear of twins come in with information on their missing member
Chapter End Notes:
Any characters do NOT belong to me this is purely for entertainment I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING APART FROM THE STORY PLOT.
I am also sorry if my spelling or grammar is bad and for the incorrect information i am giving this is my first story so yeah anyway i hope you enjoy this. :)
I am also sorry if my spelling or grammar is bad and for the incorrect information i am giving this is my first story so yeah anyway i hope you enjoy this. :)