Hi I am Sorry that I have not updated this chapter recently but I hope the extra length will make up for the lost days.
Sorry again:(
Tony was going through some leaps and bounds he remembered everything up to he was about 15 years old which in a way was a wonderful age to remember things up to...
However when anything like this came to Tony then nothing was normal, no... Gibbs was knelt on the floor in his home.
Gibbs had insisted that Tony was brought him to him so he could help protect Tony against anyone who would love to take advantage of his delicate mind the way it was now.
Anyway where was we? yes here was Gibbs trying to coach Tony out from under the bed after his last nightmare had woken him up and forced him to hide under his bed till the morning when Gibbs came into the room checking on his VERY close friend.
"Come on Tony there is no one who will hurt you I am here it alright lad"
Tony looked at him the same way a dear would be if he was court in a flash like (frozen) to the spot he also looked kind of like a cat the way he had curled in onto himself.
"You are not going to hurt me?"
Gibbs held out his hand a little more for the younger man to take while placing a plait of warmish Pizza on the floor behind him to try and get the man out with that if he had to.
"No I will defiantly not harm you intentionally I would rather harm my self then ever lay a hand on you lad"
Tony looked around him then he saw the Pizza Gibbs smiled "it is for you that is what I brought in for you don't you want it?"
Once again the look of confusion landed onto the man face as he did however slowly start to crawl out from under the bed.
As silently as he did Tony grabbed the Pizza and consumed the Pizza within seconds this it self was a worry but Gibbs let it go as Tony did eat something which was better then yesterday and the day before that.
After all Tony would not even eat in front of him or when he did he covered the plait with his arms as if he was expecting Gibbs to take it away from him at any moment.
Now that however fast he was eating he was eating in front of him without covering the plait so.....
Yes Tony was getting better now all he had to do was try and stop Tony from hiding under his bed whenever he had a nightmare or whenever he hard someone come though the door unless he knew for sure that the person was bad.
Yes Gibbs was determined to help his lost friend find his way back no matter the difficulties that was ahead of them.
He watched Tony sitting on the floor with his legs crossover each other and the empty plait in his laps he had his hands fiddling the the carpets that was under him.
Sighing Gibbs knelt down once again to Tony's height gently and slowly placing his hand on the younger man shoulder Gibbs looked at the shy man that looked up to him with though bright green eyes that held so much fear and such alertness which scared even Gibbs.
Yet there was still a small hint of trust and that trust was small so very small and it was almost not there at all....
However it was there all the same and it will only grow in time and with plenty of patient on Gibbs part and he will always be there for Tony even in times such as these.
"Tony it is OK come on lets go into the front room and watch a little bit of T.V yeah?" He got a nod from Tony who had gotten up from his place but stilled stayed in his place.
"Alright then lets go" He led Tony into the front room told him to sit anywhere he wanted which then led Tony to sit on the floor with a Pillow under him.
Gibbs sat at the table holding the files that he had gotten from Abby almost two days ago after she found a few facts about Tony and his family most of them he knew about but there was others that he did not know.
For example the fact that Tony suffers from Anxiety Anxiety is a feeling of unease.
Tony gets feeling of unease can range from mild to severe, and can include feelings of worry and fear.
Now he thinks about it Tony had this little habit of pacing now and again as well as rocking forward in the seat when he gets nerves.
How he mist these signs it did worry Gibbs then there was the fact that Tony was the legal owner of Tangota Hall back in Italy yet the man never went back to clam what was rightfully his.
This was his first thoughts but then he read further down and found that The Hall was used as a Orphanage for abused and neglected children under Tony's orders.
The building was renamed as 'Tangota's Second changes Orphanage' It was being paid out of Tony's own inheritance money he also got from his mother after she died as well as his grandparents will Money.
Sighing Gibbs looked down at the man who was watching 'Scooby Doo' he laughed so much he had his arms wrapped around his waist in order to stop him self from laughing.
Yes his Tony had a big heart and with just reading this he could tell that he has not spent nearly enough time of which that he should have done.
Gibbs looked closely at Tony there was many scars on the mans body but Gibbs did not care he knew where most of them come from and if he saw Tony's father anytime soon then the man will surely find himself trying to get out of a coffin that is berried so deep that not even the devil can reach him.
Putting his files away Gibbs joined Tony on the floor Gibbs held the young man hand for a split second and knew that Even if he had to give up his job he would protect this beautiful creature with a kind heart with everything that he is worth and much more.
OK that is it of this chapter hope you all enjoyed it and I will get back to this one as Soon as I can.
Author's Chapter Notes:
Tony has been missing for over five years since he was taken while on a Case.
Gibbs and the rest of the Gang refused to give up on him.
So what does it mean when a pear of twins come in with information on their missing member
Gibbs and the rest of the Gang refused to give up on him.
So what does it mean when a pear of twins come in with information on their missing member
Chapter End Notes:
Any characters do NOT belong to me this is purely for entertainment I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING APART FROM THE STORY PLOT.
I am also sorry if my spelling or grammar is bad and for the incorrect information i am giving this is my first story so yeah anyway i hope you enjoy this. :)
I am also sorry if my spelling or grammar is bad and for the incorrect information i am giving this is my first story so yeah anyway i hope you enjoy this. :)