Hi this is the next chapter to my fanfiction I don't know how it will be as I am trying to do this as i am ill as well.
Anyway hope this will be decently good anyway. :) :) :)
It had been another few days since the nightmare incident and nothing other then remembering things had accord and Tony was now walking freely around Gibbs home and the garden holding firmly onto his blue blanket the air tank was now able to move around with him as he walks about.
The hospital had managed to get people in to have the tank held into a back pack and also inside that was a teddy bear which was given to him by Palmer, who had visited the other day.
The bear was a simple brown soft bear with a polka-dot blue and white ribbon it had a blue vest on as well with matching blue and white shoes.
Tony had loved it from the moment he had seen it, with that he held onto it the same way he help his blanket.
Gibbs has had a call from his director that they had a led on the people who took Tony all those 5 years ago.
Just the thought of finding them and then ripping them apart sent a heavy thrill down Gibbs spin.
He had turn to Tony he did not want to leave the younger man behind but he also knew he could not take him with him to the office bass.
Sighing he placed a group of D.V.D in front of the T.V and replaced the portable clock next to the T.V as well.
turning back to Tony who was by now watching him with a odd expression face as he walked or side stepped Gibbs each time the man got near him.
"I am going to be going to the office for a few hours these are some D.V.D.S that you might enjoy do you remember what to do with them you know how to use the D.V.D player?"
A nod in reply then "you put the D.V.D into the D.V.D player turn it on at the switch press play on the remote then watch everything till it is finished?"
Gibbs smiled at the young man with the most brightest green eyes that he has ever seen.
He held out his hand for Tony to grab which the man did so Gibbs led Tony into the kitchen.
"you may use anything in the kitchen but remember be safe try and stay away from the cooker if you want to make your self a sandwich then please do so.
If you wish to take a apple from the ball then do so with the knowledge that I have given you Permission to do so"
For the extra note Gibbs nodded his head and gave a smile and patted Tony's hair a little it seems to calm the man when he did this so Gibbs made sure to do this at lest twice a day.
"You not going to leave me? once you go?" Gibbs tilted his head to the side a little watching the man in front of him.
"No never I will come back for you as long as the sun rises tomorrow I will also come back for you"
"You have my back Like I have yours?" Gibbs walked back to the now slightly shivering brown haired man who could not help but shift back out of habit.
"Yes Tony I will always have your six's never forget that"
The man nodded his head holding tightly onto his bear which if Gibbs remembers was called Mr snuffles, the blanket tucked into his other arm.
"I will be back in a few hours no more then 5:30pm I don't care what the Director has to say I will be back by then understand?"
"back by 5:30 no care what big boss man Director has to say you back at 5:30pm?"
With that Gibbs left moments later giving phone numbers and the spare key to the house if for what ever reason.
With Tony.
It had been about 3 hours since Gibbs left the house and Tony had gotten through 2 D.V.D. As he went into the kitchen he thought he was being watched but knew that Gibbs was not dew back for at lest two more hours.
Ignoring the thought he went back into the front room holding his bear close to him with his glass if water next to him on the table.
It was not long after that he hard a knock on the door 'why would anyone want to knock on the door he knew Gibbs had the keys and anyone he knew was at work with Gibbs'
This is what was going though Tony's mind then there was another knock but heavier Tony decided to go out into the garden in case it was anyone that should not be near him.
Rushing out into the garden just as the front door swung open with a grate force that sent shivers up Tony's spin.
He knew something was wrong with that so he started to run for the fence and managed to climb over it however dropping his bear in the progress.
Yet Tony would not go back for it as much as he wanted to he knew that some how he was in danger if he lingered any longer then he should have.
At the NCIS office
Gibbs was called to the directors office the man was showing a worried expression on his face.
"we got a call from your neighbors saying they hared shouting and one thought they saw a man kicking in your door did you not leave Tony behind?"
Without Permission Gibbs turned and ran down the stairs and out of the building into his car and raced towards his own house.
There in front of the house was a police car they had just put a man a rather heavy built of a man by the looks of things.
"Sir you can not enter the building" "This is my own home and I am a NCIS agent"
The officer looked at him "was there any other person in the building while the robbing was being taken place?"
"Yes Tony DiNozzo He is in my care" "would you say he was vulnerable?" "he suffers from head trauma's and has to have a air tank with him 24/7 he get confused and upset if he does not understand the situation I bet he must have gotten out of the building"
Holding out a bag it had a bear in it which had dirt on it "is this his?" "yes that Tony's bear it called Mr Snuffles it is one of his comforts objects"
"I recon that the man Tony is out on the street I will get details of Mr DiNozzo out to other Police squads out knowing that he is Vulnerable and has Brain Trauma so they know what to expect and how to deal with the situation when they find him"
"I am also going to find him he will respond better with me" "right well I will ring you if we find him first good luck"
Gibbs nodded and went back to the car and started of down the road looking for his dear Tony.
"Where are you Tony?"
Ok that the end of that chapter hope it was good and everyone enjoyed it if you want to leave a comment then please do.
Author's Chapter Notes:
Tony has been missing for over five years since he was taken while on a Case.
Gibbs and the rest of the Gang refused to give up on him.
So what does it mean when a pear of twins come in with information on their missing member
Gibbs and the rest of the Gang refused to give up on him.
So what does it mean when a pear of twins come in with information on their missing member
Chapter End Notes:
Any characters do NOT belong to me this is purely for entertainment I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING APART FROM THE STORY PLOT.
I am also sorry if my spelling or grammar is bad and for the incorrect information i am giving this is my first story so yeah anyway i hope you enjoy this. :)
I am also sorry if my spelling or grammar is bad and for the incorrect information i am giving this is my first story so yeah anyway i hope you enjoy this. :)