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Author's Chapter Notes:
The End?
"Agent Fornell, it has been a while."

"Something between yesterday and ten to fifteen years, I would say."

The young man smiled as the two Agent sat opposite of him.

"My lawyer tries to get me out of here still but nothing."

"It was a hard case."

Fornell agreed but noticed the look McGee gave him.

"Mr. Steward, this is Special Agent McGee, NCIS."

"McGee...I think I heard that name before."

"Maybe from your cell-mate. Steve Whishaw."

"Possible...that's why you came? Cause Steve made a run for the hills?"

McGee nodded and took out his note pad.

"Mr. Steward, did Steve tell you anything about his plan to break out? Or what he was going to do to after it."

"Steve wasn't really talkative. But what I got is that he was really pissed with the guy who brought him here. I got him talking a bit when I told him about you...he knew your name. The other name was...Gibbs, I think...yeah, he said that it was the guy who knocked up his fiancée. Now I know where I know your name from! He mentioned you as one of his fiancée's coworker."

He smiled at McGee who couldn't really return the smile although that guy seemed trustable.

"So, what did he say about Gibbs."

Steward looked at Fornell and then at McGee.

"He said if he ever got the possibility he'd kill him...but lots of people say that and don't mean it."

"Yeah, but people who don't mean it don't take that person hostage."

His eyes went wide.

"Listen, if I knew anything I'd tell you....Steve was...like I said he didn't talk much...but in his sleep."

"What did he say in his sleep?"

"Weird stuff...he kept asking things like "Can you see him?" and said "He'll never know you were here.", nothing that really made sense to me."

"But to us. Thanks, Steward."

Fornell shook the other man's hand.

"I'll see what I can do for you."


Abby started but Ziva went over her.

"McGee! I've found a sister of Whishaw. She changed her name but kept visiting her brother in the last seven years. The last visit was two days before he broke out."

"I've found..."

"Check on the sister with Lee..."


"What, Abby?"

"I have found a possible location!"

She turned to the plasma screen and put a picture on it.

"This is the former residence of Alexandria Police Department. They moved about six months ago and now the building is abondoned. There would be an interrogation room!"

"You don't think a former Police Department is somehow secured?"

"It's not in the best neighbourhood. I'm sure if anybody saw somebody go in there they would think it's some homeless looking for a place to sleep."

Fornell and McGee changed a look.

"Grap your gear!"

Gibbs winced as he heard the clash of a fist against a jaw yet again. For the last thirty minutes it was the only sound except the surpressed cries of pain. By now there was barely a hard breath when another blow hit. The red light started to dim and pathetically he reached out only to touch the cold glass.

"Hold on, Tony. Keep fighting."

He whispered although he knew he couldn't hear him. As from a big distance he heard footsteps and then a door crash down.


Ziva's voice suddenly sounded like an angel to him but then there were three or four shots, shortly after eachother and then a stunning silence. He felt somebody helping him up. He could make out that somebody was talking to him but not who it was or what they were saying.

"Tony...how's Tony? What happened?"

"Gibbs, calm down."

"Tony! I...I can't see him!"

He squinted into the darkness but could find the red light leaving him alone in the darkness.
Chapter End Notes:
Wanted to end this so I can go over to the angsty part.
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