Summary: Nell Jones traveled with assistant director Owen Granger to DC as part of her being groomed as a field agent. She had video conferenced with Abby,and was looking forward to meeting her and the rest of the DC team in person.
Rated: R
Categories: Other Slash Pairings Characters: Abby Sciuto
Genre: First Time
Pairing: Abby/Other
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 2329 Read: 2616
Published: 06/10/2014 Updated: 06/10/2014
1. An Awakening: an NCIS/NCIS LA crossover by abbyfreak [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Nell Jones traveled with assistant director Owen Granger to DC as part of her being groomed as a field agent. She had video conferenced with Abby,and was looking forward to meeting her and the rest of the DC team in person.